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Comment Re:Meanwhile, back in America (Score 1) 284

It still amazes me they went from 'first thing from earth to crash into the moon' in 1959, to a soft landing in 1966, or soft landings with transmissions from venus in 1970.

The fact that anything could land on venus and transmit home for an hour is pretty amazing, really. Atmospheric pressure is something like 92 atm, temperature is 450C, it's all CO2 with clouds of sulphuric acid... incredible anything survives that, and radios home!

Comment Re:it'll be back (Score 1) 309

Smallpox has been absent since the 70's, and hasn't show up yet... So if the premise is the same with polio, yes we can say that it is extinct... I think.

I think it only exists in one CDC facility and one research / germ warfare facility in siberia, now.

Comment Re:Instagram didn't replace Kodak (Score 1) 674

Heh, yup. There was a time when Nokia was the world's largest "camera" producer. Not competition with DSLRs, but they replaced the instamatic for sure.

Which is kinda... not really true. Kodak had long lost consumer camera market anyway. Instamatic was the last popular consumer camera they made, as near as I can remember, and they're older than me.

I'm sure they still made good coin on film and industrial/scientific stuff, though.

Comment Re:So, can it play Crysis at full framerates, or.. (Score 1) 219

I've often wondered why they haven't gone to square / rectangular cells. (if they don't like li-poly bags). They do exist (most cellphones with a metal can instead of a bag are / were li-ion).

Even square-ish 18650s should add some capacity (+25% volume, how effectively it can be used I'm unsure), and take little volume that isn't being wasted already.

Comment Re:Another variable to consider (Score 2) 165

The oil isn't boiling though, is it? Doesn't oil smoke before it boils... at least at 1 atm? Since it is hotter than 100C, anything with water in it (say food) added to the fryer 'boils' instantly though.

Since the oil is already much hotter than water's boiling point, I don't see any advantage to increasing the pressure? Except keeping the boiling water in the food item a tad longer, I guess...?

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