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Comment Re:It's his job and has been since 2010 - after pu (Score 1) 765

Right here and now his job is to develop systemd. Back then he was still in the desktop group at Red Hat and his job was certainly not to fly around and promote his side-project. He was actually in the desktop group up until about a year ago when he moved to the server experience group.

Comment Re:It's his job and has been since 2010 - after pu (Score 1) 765

You still don't get it. Just because he works at Red Hat does NOT mean that every single thing that he does when he's not doing his regular work is copyright Red Hat, approved by Red Hat and is set for inclusion in the next RHEL release. He does personal projects too, every single good programmer does that. Some of them takes of, this one did.

But consider for a moment that you're right, that as soon as you've seen a @redhat.com email address in the wild then that is confirmation that it represents Red Hat's official opinion and goals, then how do you explain this? An @redhat.com email back in 2011 that downright criticizes systemd for being too big and too bloated, in 2011!

Comment Re: Question from a non-Linux user (Score 2) 765

And you know and trust this person and Red Hat management to not lie about it?

Given that they were heavily pushing Upstart at the time, yes.

To me this sounds like an all too convenient artificially created "legend" of the heroic single developer that changed the world. In other words, complete BS.

He has obviously not done it alone, just check the git commit log.

Comment Re:It's his job! (Score 1) 765

It's his job now in 2015, but we were talking about when systemd was created back in 2010. At that time Red Hat had just adopted Upstart and was initially quite uninterested in systemd. It wasn't until a couple of years later that Red Hat got convinced to adopt systemd, until then he was not payed to work on systemd.

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