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Comment Re:FOUR MONTHS? (Score 2) 111

Some distro might have used it, in that case that distro will have the choice of either maintaining their own branch themselves or move to a new release. Most kernel releases are only supported for a couple of months. About one or two releases per year is supported for longer than that, usually between two and five years.

Comment Re: 4.x ? (Score 1) 111

Well if more people used current kernels instead of old kernels then these problems would be caught quicker with more people testing them. And it's not like the old distro kernels never fail. I have plenty of examples where both Ubuntu and Red Hat have introduced bugs in their kernel that the upstream kernel never had.

Comment Re:Would you (Score 2) 111

Ubuntu backports the kernels for the next four releases after each LTS. If you're on trusty you can simply install kernel 4.2 by installing the linux-generic-lts-wily package.

Once 16.04 has been released the 16.04 kernel will be backported to 14.04, then the cycle repeats and we start getting backported kernels to 16.04 every six months.

Comment Re:Gnome... (Score 3, Insightful) 133

RHEL/CentOS 7 used to have GNOME 3.8 and I agree that was far from perfect. Red Hat recently updated it to GNOME 3.14 in the RHEL/CentOS 7.2 update, so that should have fixed most of the issues. Sure if GNOME just isn't for you then that's a matter of taste, it's not something wrong with GNOME by itself.

By the way, try sudo yum groupinstall 'KDE Desktop' if that's what you want.

Submission + - OpenSSL to Release Emergency Security Patch on Thursday (

An anonymous reader writes: The OpenSSL project has announced that it will release a security update for all supported branches on Thursday. Noteworthy is that among the patches will be one for the OpenSSL 1.0.2 branch that is marked as HIGH risk, such as a Heartbleed style vulnerability that has affected OpenSSL before.

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