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Comment Re:Would "incorrectly reported" = false advertisin (Score 1) 113

If consumers end up getting anything, at best it'll probably be an old game download 3 years from now. Those kinds of lawsuits or corporate "apologies" never seem to be worth it, and yet an old game is still far better than most of them, just look at Sony's "apologies" to it's users.

Comment Re:Don't worry, AMD would never lie to us... (Score 1) 113

I don't hold Nvidia in high regard, but it's still higher than ATI, and besides, how many other graphics vendors do gamers have to go to?
(And before you say it, Intel is only the choice of idiots when it comes to graphics for gamers. Maybe someday they'll get their header out of their asterisk, but it hasn't happened yet.)

Comment Re:Microsoft would be onto a winner if... (Score 1) 378

So, are you arguing against using something that's perfect, or are you attempting to type sarcastically to indicate that a plutocracy is about as capable of creating anything useful, much less perfect, as a dog is of balancing the national budget?

You know, we really need a sarcasm font or some other means to obviously indicate sarcasm. I'd love to say we can usually get it from the basic context of the text, but damn, have you talked to some of these people out there? It's amazing how many of them cling to bizarre concepts that they try to foist on people as being real that nobody else would even consider. For one well known example, though not relevant to UIs or MS, the world is only 6000 years old. Screw that, I've held man made objects a lot older than that!

Comment Re:Terrible names (Score 1) 378

Well, you can make an argument for Start and Stop going together without eating up more desktop real estate and for the Stop to be a subsequent option under the Start might be reasonable since you have to start before you can stop.
On the other hand, I prefer to go with the idea that it was just so much better than the second choice on their list, "The Tome of Ignorance and Incomprehensibility" that numerous bots, err, people on the internet suggested. :P

Comment Re:Just for fun (Score 2) 351

Traditional breeding yields crops with numerous unwanted and unidentified genes while genetic engineering only brings in the targeted genes.
Genetic engineering does however allow for the genes to come from extremely dissimilar sources though the designs prefer to avoid such extreme options when they can. As to viruses, all bets are off since we already know that viruses shuffle genes from all kinds of species whenever they damn well want to because they are viruses and don't give a damn. It's amazing how much horizontal gene transfer they are finding in nature.
By the way, in case you weren't aware, they've found a lot of dna in humans that they believe was put there by viruses.

Comment Re:For real fun! (Score 1) 351

Stick a geiger counter up to your flesh and it will start ticking away. Every living thing is radioactive due to intake of carbon 14.
That's why they can carbon 14 date dead things, they stop taking in carbon 14 so the levels drop at a consistent known rate.
Of course the sun is radioactive as well, take a background reading during the day and compare it to the night. Still you have radiation at night because the entire universe is one giant radiation bath.
Still, if you mention any level of radiation, even something smaller than what you yourself give off, lots of people go into an ignorant panic.
It's the same with many things.

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