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Comment Looking forward to a good experience (Score 1) 39

I browse ./ more often on the Android based phone. My first impression on scrolling is: impossible. It is almost like the page is stuck with glue instead of rolling on bearings. Perhaps its just my underpowered Galaxy Ace.

Will test some more with various settings. Thanks for this /.!

Comment Re:Logos? Maybe. Tastes? Yes. (Score 5, Insightful) 322

Yup, those sugary and fatty foods provided sustenance for those periods when food was scarcer, when your body relies on fatty deposits.

Super markets eliminated the need to hunt for food interspersed with periods of shortages, but the latent craving for those sugary, fatty treats still remained.

Comment Re:Who would be the lesser of two evils? (Score 1) 150

Indeed, they might not care at all, but they act like they may give an iota of a crap.

The debacle with Google collecting Publicly Open Unencrypted WiFi Communications was controversial, and even intentional *gasp*, yet:

But, the commission said, Google did not engage in illegal wiretapping because the data was flowing, unencrypted, over open radio waves.

I concede this means little regarding moral privacy, I mean they did it anyway, right?!

It was a wake-up call to people who are too ignorant or lazy to secure their networks. People need to learn, good for Them!

It falls in line with a campaign to raise awareness about what information you put out there.

Comment Re:And? (Score 2) 115

Assuming the drinker in question limits their intake by units, this is true.

But most people limit their intake by a time based function: let's have another while we are here!

[units] = [time] * [consumption]

Comment Re:Emergency Medical Hologram Mark I (Score 1) 125

You must have misread the context, Sir.

The good 'ol Doc Mark II wants to *download* a patch *into* his database, i.e. acquiring data locally from an external source. From this perspective, the Doc Mark I would be the one doing the *uploading*.

Similarly, this is how _you_ *downloaded* that bestial porn *into* your computer *from* the webs: external -> local. ;-P

Submission + - How Apple killed the Linux desktop (

An anonymous reader writes: Klint Finley discusses Miguel de Icaza's idea of how OSX killed Linux on the desktop due to splintered GUI programs on Linux, including the lack of backward compatibility. It also relates the lack of graphical toolkits available on Linux causing developers to use OSX as a desktop for server programming and because "development was shifting to the web"

Article also on

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