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Comment Re:what happened here (Score 1) 89

I don't subscribe to any conspiracy theory that Lessig baited a copyright holder.

It's hardly a "conspiracy theory", have you ever seen Lessig in action? The last time I saw him speak, he used a gratuitous clip from "Casablanca" to make a point.

Are you going to tell me that he wasn't waving a red cape in front of the MPAA's nose?

Comment Re:So? (Score 2) 359

We stopped using ReiserFS because its performance really wasn't very good compared to its modern competition.

Really? No numbers I've ever seen have ever tested file systems in the one case the ReiserFS targeted but no one else seems to have: large numbers of small files.

But then, I haven't stopped using ReiserFS either. (And yes, it is being maintained, last I looked the Debian team was still doing bug fixes to Reiser 3.)

Comment what is there to be nuanced about? (Score 1) 388

This is complete crap. You can't get the smear to work so you go for some sort of Very Serious line like "perhaps both sides are at fault here". Sometimes "nuance is dead" because there's nothing to be nuanced about: the US intelligence apparatus is a bunch of out-of-control criminals (they may be True Believers who think they're saving the world, but that just makes them messaianic and deluded, it doesn't change the fact that they're criminals). They operate with the collusion of the President of the US, but that doesn't provide any legal sanction, they're still a cancer on the side of democracy. I hope we can somehow find a way to crawl back from the edge of this abyss, but that remains an open question, and it's looking like a pretty slow crawl.

Comment Re: Because it's fucking awesome, that's why. (Score 1) 162

So it that bicycle routing "safe", or don't you care about little details like that?

Are you under the impression that google only returns "safe" bike routes? I've had it give me directions from Oakland to Alameda going through the Posey tube... you would need to try that sometime to understand how funny that is. Yeah, you *can* get a bicycle through there... *if* you've got the Right Stuff.

Comment Re:Routing around bad neighborhoods? Want! (Score 1, Insightful) 162

There was a company that was doing heat maps of crime, but they have not done a single update in two years.

Let me see if I can put this delicately. If you care about this you're an idiot. (Oh well.).

If you're driving around what you really want is a "heat map" of traffic accidents. If you're walking around what you really want is a "heat map" of pedestrian deaths. And so on...

Stressing out about stray bullets, even in a "bad neighborhood" is only one step up from worrying about lightning strikes.

(Note: I live in West Oakland. Everyone is excited that they're were only 92 homicides in Oakland last year.)

Comment recent history vs "let the market decide" (Score 1) 396

If you RTFA, you'll see the author sneers at Krugman because he said he doesn't like the "sound" of bitcoin, but if you actually read the Krugman post, you'll note that he actually has an argument

To be successful, money must be both a medium of exchange and a reasonably stable store of value. And it remains completely unclear why BitCoin should be a stable store of value.

Daniel Jeffries (the author of TFA), essentially argues that there are multiple competing digital currency systems and we should let the market choose which one it wants to use.

It's difficult to know where to start with someone this naive, who hasn't been paying any attention to real world events in the last several decades. He's stuck on the idea that people are rational actors, that they don't get carried away by fads ("irrational exuberence"), they don't create bubbles, con themselves that this time it's different, then get really dissapointed when the bubble pops. He's looking for a technical fix for the need for something like the Fed without quite knowing what it is that the Fed is doing...

Try this point: bitcoin is the standard bearer for every digital currency, if bitcoin crashes and burns, no one is going to be willing to trust any of the others. Talk about it's technical advantages until you're blue in the face, no one will listen to you...

Comment Re: Bitcoin is vulernable to government manipulati (Score 2) 396

the commonly agreed value of anything stabilizes as more people have or use that thing

And if the price does not stabilize, maybe people won't agree to use it, eh?

The thing to worry about is conditions where people think the price is stable, attempt to use it as a "store of value", then discover that they were wrong.

It's a good thing that never happens to anything that's in wide use, eh?

Comment obviously: non-standardization (Score 1) 382

Even without knowing much about this, I can tell you: everyone is trying to code to new, non-standard UIs.

And I can predict what the solution will be: before this problem is solved the web browsers in the devices will get better, and we'll be back to coding for the web.

The only question is whether the mobile app startup bubble will go poof before or after that.

(By the way... wouldn't it be nice if all of this effort were directed to solving real problems? I'm pretty sure we could find some real problems if we looked...).

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