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Comment rsync (Score 2) 188

rsync + ssh + cron + unlimited web hosting (that allows ssh access)


rsync + ssh + cron + a tunnel between the computers you want to sync

You might also want a manual update script to update between cron syncs.... or better yet.... write your manual update script and have cron call it for easy maintenance.

Comment Re:Daily Fail (Score 1) 371

So..which is it? Simple or sophisticated? Or simple?

You are under estimating modern intelligence. Sophisticated these days doesn't mean what it did back in the golden days of computing.

Now days, you can be considered sophisticated if you are simply observant. I see it day in and day out being a web developer and the company's "IT guy"

I wonder if Citibank pays it's web developers more than what I make a year. I consider my user systems simplistic, but they authenticate the session on every page and will only give you your own data.

Comment Dreamweaver (Score 1) 545

Of all of the web editing products I have used throughout the years, Dreamweaver has had staying power.

I learned HTML way back when by fiddling with it in Netscape composer in WYSIWYG Mode and seeing what it produced, then reading docs and writing my own code.... then I wanted to do some more advanced stuff, so I switched to doing everything in Notepad, and eventually FrontPage 2003 because it was included with MS Office. (not anymore...imagine that)

When my company wanted to start making it so everyone could do web editing, we had to find a Window/Mac compatible program, there was GoLive and Dreamweaver. Adobe had already bought Macromedia so we could see GoLive being killed soon, and as much as I love Open Source, NVU/Kompozer/BlueGriffon/Seamonkey just aren't a choice because they screw up my hand-coded stuff, and Aptana often gets in the way of how I work. (I could probably get used to it if I used it for a few years) Quanta looked promising until it stopped being developed (Kate is OK), Bluefish is OK too, but it still feels more like a text editor than an HTML editor.

Even if you never touch Design mode, Dreamweaver does it right. Tag hinting, Auto-closing when you type / (though it would be nice if it highlighted matching braces and tags like PSPad does) TopStyle's CSS hinting, the ability to expand the tag library, DOM Hinting in JavaScript, an expandable/organized code snippet library, flexible templates, the ability to make a website editable with Contribute (which is handy for when non-technical types have to be able to update the site without screwing up the design) and everything a great Web development IDE should have, as well as the WYSIWYG editor.

At work, we have CS3, and are trying to get the board to move up to CS5 (more for our design staff), but here at home, I use Macromedia Studio 8. It installs and works perfectly under WINE, and with how I work (mostly in code, with some visits to design view), it works fine for coding HTML5. The only things I really miss from newer versions of Dreamweaver are things like built in CVS Support and improved testing/production server support.

Comment Re:Horrible link... (Score 1) 248

I second the vote for old PCW and Byte. I miss the codes you could type into debug on DOS, and things like Byte's CD full of compilers.... the stuff that inspired you to try some new programming language because you want to do something neat. Some of these old mags also developed some cool tools like notepad alternatives, disk format utilities, and things you might not always care about, but are useful.

Comment Maybe they should.... (Score 1) 413

Some of the things they could to that might bring in money

1. Bring the Tandy name back to computers. Offer up a Tablet (Tandy 11 - x86, resistive touch screen, SSD, OS on SSD, NOT in ROM.), Netbook (Tandy 11+ - WIndows or Linux), Notebook (Tandy 110), and All-in-one desktop (Tandy 11000), and a Barebones kit with build instructions/video (Tandy 11500). (the 11 being the last two digits of the year - All in Windows or a Radio shack branded Ubuntu derivative)

2. Build/Brand a media center device. Blu-Ray/DVD/PVR, USB/SD/Firewire (a lot of people stull use MiniDV Camcorders), Bluetooth remote and game controllers, the 25 licensed Sega games you see included with every $25 gaming toy preinstalled, some motion sensor games, and an interface built with XBMC or MythTV

3. Good selection of Digital cameras, camcorders, and accessories. A few high end/prosumer grade some mid grade, and a small selection of cheapos.

4. Selection of Tandy branded computer components. Video cards... some for people who want to work with Adobe apps, some for gamers, and some using chips a few generations back as Value cards. USB Hubs, SD Card Readers,cpu/case fans, some CPUs, Motherboards based on AMD and Intel reference boards....nothing fancy

Stuff that appeals to the mainstream crowd with more technical versions that appeal to the "techy" (or wannabe) crowd.

Comment So? (Score 1, Redundant) 537

So he has porn. I bet there are plenty of Slashdotters who have more illustrious collections than he did.

Why is this news for nerds?

Why is this news anyway?

I'll tell you why, because the whole "War on Terror" is just the Crusades continuing on, and many Christian religions will tell you "porn is bad" or "fornication is bad". They have even gone so far as to get it passed into public lewdness laws so everyone has to abide by it. Guess what people, I'm pretty sure that if you go to church, about half or more of the adult congregation probably owns porn, but are afraid to mention it because their fellow Christians (of which many also own porn) will look down their noses at them.

He's a guy, he owns porn.... big whoopty doo

Comment Re:How do they know? (Score 1) 194

Look at who they list as parents' age and subtract the average age of pregnancy based on their location.

It's not perfect, because a lot of girls (over 13 into their 20s) list their friends as parents for whatever reason, (seen kids of friends do that as well as changing last names, etc) but for the ones that do that, you also get a fair portion of ones who don't list parents.... so drop all of both and you can still say "over x amount" since that would include any results you dropped since you are saying higher than this number.

Comment Re:Will it run Linux? (Score 1) 53

A Linux-based gaming system would be pretty awesome.

There are a lot of great games available in the Ubuntu repos, and even more that aren't but can be run pretty easy. The biggest hurdle I have seen is that input is inconsistent between games. Sometimes the gamepad works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes a game uses few enough buttons, and sometimes you need to use the whole keyboard.

What really needs to be done to make it work is to choose the right hardware. A reasonably powerful CPU, a GPU that is good for gaming in Linux, bluetooth and usb with gamepads or remotes that work out of the box, and all of the games in the system's repos preconfigured to work with these gamepads.

For the main interface, a fork of XBMC with a game chooser menu, and a repo browser that lets you browse and install games easily.

Up to now this post doesn't mention a plan for making much money....

The solutions: Charge just above break-even on the main console, charge a profit on accessories, and add a micro-payment system for certain online games, and a general payment system for commercial games in the repos. Want new games? Don't bother going to the store, just find it, and buy it right there on your console. The easier it is to do, the more likely people are to do it.

Some other features could be having it preconfigured for easy integration with your Amazon media library, Pandora, Netflix, Vudu, etc. so people also have a media center that it is easy to buy and rent media with.

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