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Comment Re: Great Recession part II? (Score 1) 743

The Fed has caused a series of bubbles by fucking with interest rates. Latin American debt, the dot-com bubble, and the most recent real-estate bubble are just three in a series going back to the Fed's inception.

Prove it. Prove that Fed's action have directly caused the recent bubble. So far the evidence that the cause was your child-raping activities is so much more plausible.

Also, anyone who provides links to Mises to explain something is a moron.

Comment Re:females operate on emotion, not logic (Score 1) 446

I actually know something about the material at hand. The meta-studies of sources reveal that most of the data about who initiated the conflict is BS: http://www.domestic-violence.m... see page 20 (table 5) and further. It turns out that men under-report it (duh) and so you can't rely on that data.

And even your article shows that men are more likely to inflict serious injuries or use weapons.

Comment Re:females operate on emotion, not logic (Score -1) 446

No, I haven't made it up. For example, see here: http://www.strengthenoursister... I've seen this number lots of times in various studies and have little reason to doubt it.

And 'initiated by women' is so fucking bullshit, that you should be ashamed of yourself and crawl back into your cave. If a woman berates his boyfriend for being drunk and he beats her in turn - that still is 'initiated by women'.

Comment Re: Great Recession part II? (Score 1) 743

Coming from you, that carries no weight at all.

Unlike you, I actually understand the economy. How that hyperinflation that you predicted is going so far, by the way?

All enabled by the Fed. You really weren't paying attention, were you?

No. It was not 'enabled by the Fed' in any way. Not even in the 'it failed to regulate them' way.

Without the Fed holding down the interest rates by inflating the currency, rising rates would have limited the pyramiding of debt on debt.

Dude, if you had at least two brain cells you could have checked this hypothesis easily. The only way Fed could 'keep rates low' is by buying securities using newly created money. This kind of intervention should be easy to check.

So let's check the evidence: - there was no explosive increase in the M1 aggregate until the QE policies started post-2008. And even M2 aggregate shows nothing unusual:

Actually, I believe that you caused the 2008 crisis by raping little children in a DC kindergarten. That theory has about the same connection to reality as your ramblings.

Comment Re: Great Recession part II? (Score 2) 743

So the solution was the fed pumped vast amounts of money into the system and looked the other way when finance companies were essentially insolvent. A lot of debt got restructured. One group did get punished, under water home buyers were locked in and either had to scrap up enough money to pay or go bankrupt and lose every cent invested.

Yep. Fed actually took over several large financial companies and government provided emergency fiscal stimulus to kick-start the stalled economy. As a result, the recession in the US was not as deep as it could have been.

Europe instead drank the Ayn Rand Koolaid wholesale and went with hard austerity, never mind stimuli. Results are obvious: At this point Greece should just exit the Eurozone and leave Germany to pick up the pieces.

Comment Re: Germany should pay war reparations for WWII (Score 2) 743

There is NO obligation to switch to euro. And there are no fiscal targets for countries that don't plan to do it, so Croatia happily stays with its Kuna, Hungary with foring and Poland with zloty. So far these countries fare much better than peripheral countries that adopted the euro (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, etc.)

Comment Re: Great Recession part II? (Score 0, Flamebait) 743

You are a moron. Fiat currency has nothing to do with the 2008 crisis. It could have happened just fine if people used gold or live rabbits as the currency. The whole problem was caused by a huge shadow banking system that essentially allowed to use private debts as if they were a currency. And since private debts are unbounded and uncontrolled, the amount of this "currency" grew without bounds. Until it crashed, trying to cross over to the world of real money when people started to cash CDOs.

Comment Re:Any materialized predictions? (Re:Sudden?) (Score 1) 268

Yes, 98-2012 period was unexpected - for some unknown reason atmospheric heating got uncoupled from the ocean heating. So Antarctic melting intensified and Arctic ice loss skyrocketed while the general air temperature growth slowed (it has NOT stopped). The last couple of years the coupling has returned with a vengeance and we'll all be seeing its results soonish.

So yes, if you want to nitpick IPCC then you should provide context and full information. Not just convenient sound bites.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 256

Uhm... I've been using front-loaders pretty much the whole life (and was shocked to find out that they are rare in the US) and I've never had a problem with mildew, except that one time when I left my clothes in the washer for one week. An empty run with a regular detergent fixed it (the clothes were ruined, though).

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 256

Detergent is not a disinfectant.

Detergent (and even good old soap) doesn't kill _all_ bacteria and spores, but it's pretty efficient in killing most of active bacteria and fungi (link: ). That's more than enough to delay the onset of mold long enough for the clothes to dry.

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