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Comment Re:This legislation brought to you by.. (Score 1) 446

Since non-GMO foods have been consumed over many lifetimes of consumption, their safety or lack thereof has been pretty well established.

We're constantly hybridizing and producing all manner of crazy new plants where God knows how many genes are combined in totally new ways. There are tons of hybrids we're eating right now that have nowhere near "many lifetimes" worth of consumption, and there's no good reason to think that we'll do a better job of predicting all of their subtle properties (especially "long term" safety) any better than if we take a known organism and add one carefully selected gene to it.

Comment Re:Other opponents (Score 4, Insightful) 446

I'm in favor of good information on food labels, but I also see the complaint from the GMO producers. I think they're worried about something like this:

GMO company: There's no need to label these things. They're perfectly safe.
Anti-GMO activist: Why do you hate transparency? If it's perfectly safe, there's no reason not to label them.

[Time passes. Labels mandated.]

Anti-GMO activist: If GMOs are so safe, why is labeling them mandatory?
Consumers: Hey! That's a good point!

Comment Re:Question: With Computer Science being 90% male. (Score 2) 90

Same here. We think and solve problems similarly, so there isn't much "talking past each other" when we disagree. If a problem can be reasoned through, we usually come to agreement. If it's squishier, we both sort of recognize that it's probably not worth fighting to the death over. Money and worry about unemployment is never a problem, so we don't fight over it or nitpick how it's spent (in fact, we each have a mix of private and shared accounts after 10 years of marriage, and we each handle a subset of the household financees without much oversight from the other). Beyond that I suppose everything else is pretty normal, but those are two big issues that cause a lot of relationship trouble that work out to a pretty strong built-in advantage for us.

We're both pretty mellow people who don't usually get wound up about stuff that's not really important, but I'm not sure if that's just who we are or if it's associated with how we were educated and how we work. There seem to be certain types of people who genuinely get bored and need a certain amount of drama in their human interactions and will create it if it's not there. Those people seem to be less common in engineering, although I don't have a lot to quantify or support that. Those people are usually not fun to be around and seem like they'd be a nightmare to be married to.

Comment Re:I don't think it's enough, but I have doubts to (Score 5, Insightful) 331

I'm all for a massive reduction in police militarization and very nearly eliminating SWAT teams given how rarely they're used for what they were originally intended for. That being said, the problem with using this issue as a lever is that there will always be some fringe situation that calls for a swift armed reaction of some sort. These kids can literally say whatever they want, so there's always going to be a way to provoke a dangerous response as long as there's any conceivable situation that warrants that response. This is just one of those cases where there should be a panic button. It should be really difficult to hit and you should punish the living shit out of people who treat the panic button like it's a toy.

Comment Re:Harry Shearer wanted more money (Score 1) 100

Let me step back a bit and rephrase my earlier question. There are two key price points: There's the upper limit, which is the amount of money you make for your employer. They wouldn't pay you a dollar more than that because they'd just be losing a dollar on the net, and they'd be indifferent between hiring you and not hiring you if it equals that amount because the net value to them is $0. Then there's the minimum amount you'd work for. You wouldn't work for less than that, by definition. So now there's a big range between those two numbers.

The salary you land on in that range reflects a split of that surplus value between you and your employer. You seem to think that you getting some of it while your employer keeps some of it is reasonable. You also seem to think that you getting none of it while your employer keeps all of it is reasonable. But somewhere along the line, you seem to think that you taking "too much" of it becomes unreasonable. I'm wondering what you're basing that on and how you decide when "too much" has happened. Why the asymmetry in favor of the employer, and why the certainty that Shearer crossed it somewhere between $300K and $450K per episode?

Comment Re:Harry Shearer wanted more money (Score 1) 100

So if your employer cut you back to that base requirement, you wouldn't consider leaving and using your time some other way? Or at least work fewer hours?

Imagine you had enough money to live your current standard of living forever without working any more. Would that change your base requirement? You have a set of choices with respect to what to do with your time. One option would be not to work at all and to spend time with friends and family and enriching hobbies. Assuming that was an option to you, would the base pay requirement to get you to give that time up and go to work every day go up, or would it stay the same regardless of whether you needed the money or not?

I ask because Shearer has tons of money. A paycheck that would rent him a cheap apartment and a daily ration of Top Ramen would not affect his standard of living at all. He wouldn't notice either way. So given that he's probably a normal person with friends and family and hobbies, he'd be crazy to go to work at a job that only pays enough for a cheap apartment and a daily ration of Top Ramen. He's better off enjoying the days he has left doing something more enriching. Being "grateful" that an employer offered him a subsistence wage in exchange for losing that time wouldn't be rational at all.

Comment Re:Harry Shearer wanted more money (Score 1) 100

Perhaps you could explain how such a salary is justified? Without resorting to "well the Market says..."?

Becuse he's earning his employers shittons more than $6M per year by doing that work? Would the morally correct outcome be for him to cut his salary by, say, $3M so the owners of the company can pocket $3M more?

Comment Re:The cost of doing business (Score 1) 215

Monopoly or not, companies set their prices at the spot that they think maximizes their profits. They can't "pass on" 100% of a new cost by changing the price because that knocks them off of the spot they optimized for. They do lose something in the process. If all it took for them to grab an extra $229K in profits was to raise their prices, they'd have done it already.

Comment Re: It's an algorithm (Score 1) 352

One could point out that there are fewer instances of white males being miscategorized.

White males are just about the easiest faces to categorize. They tend to have short hair that doesn't obscure facial features or create oddball shapes that confuse the classifiers. Their skin tone makes photographing them and finding edges extracting features easier than it is with darker skinned people. White people have a greater variety of eye colors that can be used to distinguish among them. "White guy face" is just about the optimal case for this problem. If I had to come up with a worst case that was also a photo of a fairly "common" person, I'd go with "dark skinned, brown eyed person wtih long hair and facial hair." That's a pretty clean sweep of all of the variables that make this a hard problem.

Comment Re:Accepting Responsibility (Score 1) 352

Good decisions? Sorry, but releasing poorly tested software like this was obviously a bad decision. The bad outcomes were a direct result of their poor decision making.

How good does the cutting edge of object recognition need to be before it's not "poorly tested" anymore, especially when it's for a silly photo app and not a medical or military application? I never hear this type of thing from people who have actually had to solve these types of problems. The reality is that objects are going to be confused with other objects. Lots of them, once we're talking about hundreds of millions or billions of samples. Some cases will fail with great regularity and patterns. The unfortunate fact here was that the pattern happened to coincidentally have really embarrassing cultural connotations.

This is one of the things I don't miss about working in machine vision. We'd run our algorithm over a zillion images and it would correctly handle all of them save a small handful and that small handful would be filed as bugs. OK, maybe we'll be able to handle that small handful at the expense of a smaller handful next time around. But the pass/fail criteria for the tool is in its overall results, not in the outliers.

Comment Re:alogrithms aren't racist (Score 4, Informative) 352

The developers building vision algorithms don't typically create their own datasets. They purchase archives of images, and a lot of these problems stem from how many samples of each type are in those archives. The Google team likely has a giant database of human faces that it works with, and the ethnic frequencies are probably either the result of choices made by whatever origanization compiled it (and for whatever reason they compiled it) or the ethnic breakdown of the userbase of some app they used to grab the data. It's extremely unlikely that either of those will produce the same number of samples of every ethnic type.

It's also one thing if this was a program just designed to distinguish between different people. But it looks like it's trying to recognize objects of all sorts and distinguish between people and just about everything else. That's a hard problem, and the only response to this sort o thing is to take a regular failure case and feed it back into the training data so you can hit the next regular failure case. Hopefully it will be less coincidentally embarrassing, but it will definitely be there. Perhaps confusing bald men with balloons or something like that.

But I also think people underestimate how much skin color affects machine vision problems. I spent years in the biometrics industry and one consistent fact is that people with darker skin just don't provide as much easy-to-recognize detail as people with lighter skin. There will be more misclassifications as long as the image is taken using the visible spectrum. To a computer extracting features, dark skinned people and gorillas are both human-ish face shapes with a particular color range and somewhat indistinct geometry due to weak contrast and shadows. Distingushing between those two sets just isn't as easy as distinguishing between fair-skinned blondes and gorillas. You can make that decision just by looking at the color histograms and not even bothering with geometry.

Comment Re:Bad RNG will make your crypto predictable (Score 4, Informative) 64

The classic Schneier Applied Cryptography is a great read for anybody who wants a good starting point on the basic concepts and practical considerations. It's technical-ish but conceptual rather than mathematical and leans toward describing what the various crypto pieces do, why they exist, and what they're used for. To get a good intro to some math, try The Handbook of Applied Cryptography. If you have a little bit of number theory and are willing to do some exercises up front, the book is largely self-contained and very well written. It's free for personal use, but nobody I know regretted buying a hard copy.

Comment Re:Devil's Advocate here (Score 1) 1083

White dudes had the right to marry white women and black dudes had the right to marry black women before Loving v. Virginia, but the court still ruled that prohibiting white dudes from marrying black women and black dudes from marrying white women was an equal rights issue. Now it seems like a no brainer, but at the time the same logical argument was made. I'm guessing we'll have the same perspective on it in another 20 years.

Comment Re:Why again is state govt in the marriage busines (Score 1) 1083

Property, power of attorney and inheritance are pretty much it as far as I'm aware. But that ain't nothing. What happens to your property when you die, who can make decisions on your behalf if you're incapacitated, who has a valid right to raise your children, etc. are all pretty important issues. Having everybody more or less agree on how it's done through marriage and family lines was pretty convenient. If we do away with it, we'll have a lot of issues to work out, since the government ends up in the middle of all of those disputes once they go to court.

Gay marriage fits pretty neatly into those paradigms, so it seems like a no brainer. I'd be all for legalizing polygamy as well, but the 11 algorithms that are assumed in the law don't necessarily scale to 1N or NN. It seems like it would be worth coming up wtih some more baseline principles that would allow us to define who is "family" in a general way.

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