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Comment Re:No Leaders anywhere today... (Score 1) 348

Elon Musk, with SpaceX and Tesla Motors.

I understand some people work really hard to be depressed and ignore all the good things about life, but you probably shouldn't bring the rest of us down into your mire.

But hey, you're right, fuck the military industrial complex and.... that other stuff about being better people.

The Leaders of the past few generations, those who would see a public interest and use the immense power and resources of the Government to enable it, are long gone.

Like who? Got any examples?

Comment Re:Already cool, but has a bleak future... (Score 1) 68

On the flip-side, the early adopters will make bank in a similar way to those who really embraced personal computing back in the 80's, or the internet in the 90's. Even if the law comes down or the market cornered by big business, you'll have a valuable in-demand skillset. Or you'll be the inventor the next big thing. Let's see: bio-OS, YouGene, NANthrax, fat'be'gone, OracleOcculars, hmmmm....

And that's the sort of statement made with an intent to kickstart another gold-rush into new exciting territory where most of the poor schlubs won't make a dime and will complain bitterly for decades about what could have been. But hey, society will be better for it.

Comment Re:Freeman Dyson (Score 1) 68

Unless you also have the tools to spread your clever genetic change to all of the several billion cells in your body at once, that is.

Why "at once"? Your body normally REMAKES most of the cells in your body every 16 years. Some parts faster than others. Some parts stick with you till you die.

Comment Re:Bikes lanes are nice (Score 1) 213

Wait, what? You actually modded him "Troll"? Why would you do that? It's hilarious. Didn't you catch the part where he went PAST trolldom, going further, into enlightenment? Come on people, have a laugh. I mean really, "chromed moon"? How can you not love that?

Maybe Poe's law is in full effect. When the stance of the opposition is so weird that you can't tell them apart from the people parodying them for a laugh.

Comment Re:Highschool girl logic (Score 3, Interesting) 387

At that point, having a decade of experience on the exact same thing won't really help you

... unless you specialized in something that's still used, and the company you're at still uses it or some other company out there needs it.

I mean, if the "thing" you did for those 15 years was streamlining TCP traffic in assembly, then you could go make $500,000/year as a quant dev on wallstreet. If it was abstract computer generated graphics in turboPascal... then not so much.

So yeah, it depends on where you are market-wise. Sometimes specializing is a good idea. Sometimes it pays to be a generalist.

Personally? I went with embedded C and every now and then dip into general business applications just so I'm not super-specialized. But so far, low-level C has been a stable bedrock for a career. And I don't think I'm being too optimistic when I say it's probably going to stay that way.

Comment Re:R still in heavy use (Score 1) 387

Also, you actually need to know statistics to be effective :)

Yeah, no shit. I tried to pick up R when I was putzing about with the rules of Risk. Wanted to find out how to balances this abstracted army-combat thing for a D&D game. Turns out even if you know the syntax and coding paradigms for the language, that doesn't magically teach you a damn thing about statistics.

Comment Re:For the cops that oppose (Score 1) 643

The reason why most people hate cops is that they do not want to take responsibility for their own actions.

Pft, please. Really? This is what you think is going on in people's heads? This is the sort of laughable caricature that I don't even have to refute because most people are going to read that and think you're an idiot. You're not helping the reputation of police officers if this is what they raise their kids to believe. You can't even fully stomach it yourself because you know it's flamebait.

The entire point I was trying to make... is that most cops just want to do their job and go home.

Right, that is almost EXACTLY why this is such a problem. Most of them aren't professionals that do the right thing even if the path is hard. To most cops, it's just a job and they want to go home at the end of the day. They will not rock the boat and blow whistles. They will come into an established system that looks out for their own and they will do nothing to stop it because that's the path of least resistance. They are complacent and comfortable. This isn't just limited to the cops. It's one of those more universal problems. I've seen this a lot in engineering. You'd hope they were professionals, cared about doing a good job, and not just there to punch in, turn the cog, and punch out. But no, most people just don't have that fire. Anyway, YES, the initial point you made is utterly true and the root cause of the problem at hand.

before you basically assumed my dad has covered for a bad cop and therefor makes himself a bad guy,

HAHAHA, even after I lambast you for assuming an antagonistic stance you still double-down and put up your dukes. And you still don't have any idea why people distrust cops. That's kind of adorably cliche.

Seriously though, ask your dad the question. Post his answer and what sort of conversation you guys had after that. A youtube video would be best. Given the shit in Ferguson, it'll be pertinent and insightful.

Comment Re:Cut the Russians Off (Score 1) 848

A nuclear Iran would destabilize the Mideast even further

I think the we've done about as much of that as possible. I mean, hundreds of thousands of dead civilians isn't exactly "stable".

Would a nuclear Iran be destabilizing? I imagine it'd be as destabilizing as a nuclear Israel. They haven't nuked anyone yet, and hopefully never will.

Seriously though, what do you think would happen if Russia gave Iran a handful of nukes? Spell out the scenario. I'm honestly interested in what you think.

Comment Well why not (Score 1) 382

Might as well throw in my own picks:

Final Fantasy VII (Just because it was my first RPG, which dates me)
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy Tactics
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario Brothers (Just for it's legacy)
Civ (the first, and possibly IV)
Whatever the latest RTS game is: Dune / Warcraft / Starcraft / WC3 / C&C /SC2
Scorched Earth
Dwarf Fortress

Wait... Boardgame/tabletop?

Comment Re:Cut the Russians Off (Score 1) 848

Yeah, that's right mods, label that as funny.

A quick solution to this problem is for the USA to ship a pallet of nukes to Ukraine. Or even just the fissionable material. Even on the sly.

Ukraine would announce it's a nuclear power again and would detonate a bomb on it's soil between the currently contested cities as a giant "BACK OFF BITCH" to Russia.

Then it's Russia's move.

Sane first world nations don't invade first world nations. It's time to remind people of why.

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