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Comment Re:easy (Score 4, Informative) 61

The contest requirements are very specific on the device's testing capabilities, here they are:

The Core Set (Qualifying requires 5/13, Final Round requires all 13):
1. Anemia
2. Urinary tract infection, lower
3. Diabetes
4. Atrial fibrillation
5. Stroke
6. Sleep apnea, obstructive
7. Tuberculosis
8. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
9. Pneumonia
10. Otitis ("ear infection")
11. Leukocytosis
12. Hepatitis A
13. Absence of Core Conditions

The Elective Set (Qualifying requires 1, Final Round requires 3):
1. Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
2. Hypertension
3. Mononucleosis
4. Allergens (airborne)
5. Hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism
6. Food-borne illness
7. Shingles
8. Melanoma
9. Strep throat
10. Cholesterol Screen
11. HIV Screen
12. Osteoporosis

The Vital Signs Set (Qualifying requires 3, Final Round requires all 5):
1. Blood pressure
2. Electrocardiography (heart rate/variability)
3. Body temperature
4. Respiratory rate
5. Oxygen Saturation

Comment Pity Slashdot doesn't have any good devs anymore.. (Score 1) 154

Anybody else enjoying the 100,000px wide horizontal scroll bar on Slashdot now?

Some genius put text-indent: 99999px on the Prefs link. Any junior developer that knows how to test their work (or use Google for that matter) knows you need to use a negative text-indent to avoid a scrollbar when hiding text like that.

Maybe they should hire some electrical engineers.


Comment Re:Easier to Analyze or Change == More Maintainabl (Score 4, Insightful) 247

My thoughts exactly. More maintainable code IS higher quality code, in my opinion.

Making code run faster has a completely different name, it's called optimization (and is frequently the root of all evil). And it often involves the exact opposite of things you do when refactoring. Eg, unrolling a loop to make it run faster is pretty much the exact opposite of refactoring for maintenance & readability.

Comment Re:Right, but does it correctly model... (Score 2) 247

1) Head to a large multi-story building (like a big school)
2) Destroy all staircases leading up from the ground level
3) Grow food on the roof, use rope ladders to send out raiding parties for other supplies as needed

Seriously, I am so sick of the protagonists in zombie movies & shows always hiding behind stuff that can simply be pushed over by a mindless horde (chain link fences, doors, etc). Gain some elevation that requires equipment to ascend. Or even use something like a simple commando-style rope bridge that requires intelligent motor co-ordination to traverse.

Humans are infinitely more mobile & dextrous than zombies (esp. with the use of tools), there's no reason they shouldn't be able to exploit that to create a haven which is completely inaccessible to zombies by its very nature.

Of course this presupposes the typical George Romero/28 Days Later/Walking Dead type of zombie, as opposed to the World War Z ones which conquer every obstacle with self-organizing meat mountains.

Comment Re:Live (Score 2) 233

it is meant to demonstrate that even with an alternate future from the original movies [...] they couldn't escape their shared fate, or their shared destiny

You REALLY think these movies are interested in exploring pre-destination, determinism, destiny, fate, etc? (If you are interested in such topics, go watch Predestination, it's based on a Heinlein short and is great)

Bullshit. They rebooted it with a fairly conventional time-travel plot device, then brought Kahn back to sell tickets. That's it. No deeper meaning.

I mean, are you not aware of JJ Abrams previous projects? The illusion of deeper meaning is kind've his thing. (See: Lost)

Comment Re:Department of Fairness can not be far behind (Score 1) 631

From your own link:

In 1969 the United States Supreme Court upheld the FCC's general right to enforce the Fairness Doctrine where channels were limited. But the courts did not rule that the FCC was obliged to do so.[3] The courts reasoned that the scarcity of the broadcast spectrum, which limited the opportunity for access to the airwaves, created a need for the Doctrine. However, the proliferation of cable television, multiple channels within cable, public-access channels, and the Internet have eroded this argument, since there are plenty of places for ordinary individuals to make public comments on controversial issues at low or no cost at all.

The Fairness Doctrine was abolished in 1987. So you're frothing at the mouth over a doctrine that was discontinued almost 30 years ago, and was intended to promote discussion of public issues on a scarce medium, and you think it is somehow relevant to the Internet in 2015.

But hey, don't let actual details get in the way of your breathless hyperbole.

Comment Re:Oh? (Score 1, Flamebait) 139

Considering he made the exact same mistake twice in a row, it seems like more than just a one-off typo don't you think?

And your response to someone teasingly pointing this out, is offensive name calling?

What are you, twelve? From the generation where nobody is ever told they're wrong and everybody gets a participation trophy?

Mature adults acknowledge their mistakes and attempt to learn from them. If I was repeatedly making a mistake like this, I would WANT it pointed out to me.

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