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Comment 4 ideas....here we go: (Score 1) 117

1. "how the Pentagon's": not China's, not Russia's. 2. "...robots would..." not Could or Should but Would. 3. "...Automate War..." and not anything else. 4. bottom line: robots can now, or will later, surpass every skill you have. sports, medicine, and soon...innovation (or, at least, the inno that gets paid.)

Submission + - fake Price Comparison fools Walmart (clarkhoward.com)

turkeydance writes: People are reportedly creating fake Amazon pages to show fake prices on electronics and other items. In the most heavily publicized cases, Walmart was reportedly duped into selling $400 PlayStation 4 consoles for under $100.

Here's how this scam has played out: The perpetrators create fake Amazon pages and show these fake listings to Walmart cashiers (and ultimately to store managers) in an attempt to con them into matching the phantom prices.

Comment biased reportage (Score 1) 110

Astroturfing is the increasingly popular tactic wherein corporations sponsor front groups or manufacture the appearance of grassroots support to simulate a genuine social movement that is rallying for goals in line with their profit motive. end quote. it's Everyone (see Bloomberg's Everytown), not just corporations. so the definition given for Astroturfing is designed for the reporter's PR motive.

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Politics: A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. -- Ambrose Bierce
