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Comment plain old 'scientific' calculator ? (Score 0) 359

I still own a 'scientific' calculator that I bought in 1983, and it took me all the way up through Physics, Statics, Dynamics and Thermodynamics courses in a rather fine Engineering college. What do these fancy graphing calculators offer that paper and pencil + a decent scientific calculator can't ?

Comment Astroturfing for Hillary Clinton (Score 0, Flamebait) 1134

First articles here, then a new policy on Fark, and now yet another story about misogyny. It's a constant, subtle pressure in the background for Millenials that women are oppressed... so they'll march right to the polls in 2016. Just like if you opposed Barack Obama you were automatically a racist, by 2016 if you have any objections to Hillary Clinton, you'll be shouted and blogged down as a misogynist.

Like a kid asking for just 5 more minutes of TV time, or a 20 year long constant nagging for socialized medicine, eventually you chip away at the resolve of the unaware and get what you want.

Comment Dump SELinux and systemd, make it easier (Score 0) 232

Everyone immediately disables SELinux, and people need to reinvent how they manage the system, all for no real return, unless you're one of the .1% who those technologies are targeted at. Make your system normal Unix, not weird Unix, and people will stay interested. Companies don't like moving targets.

Comment Not surprised (Score 0) 115

Statistics as taught in it's current form (just like economics) came about in the 50's, they were both designed by out of work mathematicians. Now to an unemployed Math PHD in the 50's with the start of the space program and the massive military research programs, how good were these guys? When I took Stat in college I was amazed. Take one set of data and produce two diametrically opposed answers and have them both correct? Sounds like rumor, gossip, and BS to me, not science.
No wonder there are lies, damn lies, and statistics!

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