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Comment Special Effects & Reptitition (Score 1) 457

I enjoyed each of the Star Wars movies when they came out, but I can't get into them as an ongoing fan thing. Even the best things wear out with repitition and there are just so many Star Wars movies.

Star Wars was huge when it came out because it had next generation groundbreaking special effects.

Once the audience gets used to that all you have left is the story, writing and acting --- which just isn't there with Star Wars.

Comment Shorthand for a new generation (Score 1) 191

The article makes sense to me.

It does seem to require more "processing" to take notes by hand than type it all in.

My trouble in school always was that my handwriting was not all that great and some of my notes later on were slightly less useful. It would have been nice to have the notes typed on the spot.

Maybe the answer is to learn shorthand.

Even now, years out of school, when I start a new job I have to take notes.......and fast, and what I have left is sloppy and incomplete.

I have no idea how much effort is required to learn shorthand though.

Comment Re:You know what worked better for me then longhan (Score 1) 191

I remember being taught that.....back in the day, at a study skills workshop my campus counseling center sponsored.

The recommended taking thorough book notes before the lecture, then going to the lecture with questions about the material, using the lecture as a time to think about the material.

Submission + - Bill Gates & Twitter founders put 'meatless' meat to the test. (

assertation writes: Bill Gates and the founders of Twitter are betting millions that meat lovers will embrace a new plant-based product that mimics the taste of chicken and beef.

Meat substitutes have had a hard time making it to the dinner tables of Americans over the years, but the tech giants believe these newest products will pass the "tastes like chicken" test. Gates has met several times with Ethan Brown, whose product, Beyond Meat, is a mash-up of proteins from peas and plants. Just don't call it "fake" meat.

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