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Comment Re:the only surprise (Score 1) 63

Just because we use as single word to refer to human faculties collectively doesn't make them one thing (e.g. planning). Billions of years of evolution have furnished us with a swiss army knife of cognitive abilities from being able to proto-count (subitize) to being able to infer where other people around us are directing their attention.

A lot of our intelligent behavior is being able utilize these disparate capabilities *together*. For example, I notice the people around me are looking at some other people, who are looking back; I recognize that some of these people are in my in-group and other are outsiders; I perceive (subitize) that there are more of them than of us. There are some people who can't do this because they aren't as capable as other people at various links of the chain, and yet these people are often highly "intelligent" in other ways.

As we build AI tools, there is little point in them unless they *exceed* human abilities in some manner. So arguably we have already AI tools that, on certain tests with well-chosen constraints, are smarter than humans in a very narrow and specific way -- certainly in their ability to process large volumes of data. What we won't get at first is that kind of seamless integration of different kinds of mental capabilities. This integration is so natural and effortless for us we call all our highly disparate abilities by a single word.

Comment Re:Great... (Score 1) 24

I bought a 21" Acer touchscreen for $179 a decade ago. It is hooked up with USB as mouse/digitizer.

It's impossible to buy those now. 15" for a repackaged 4K laptop screen at $200 or then $700+ for a 24" 1080p "kiosk screen" or even more for 4K.

The middle segment is totally gone.

Probably because $25/hr minimum wage is spiking demand for automated ordering, I'm not sure.

The Unifi price is consistent with the insane market.

My current desktop screen is 4K / 24" and was under $200. I just want a basic digitizer on that for under double the price. Nope!

Comment Re:Troublemakers? (Score 1) 22

> The core point of research is to find out what is true

No it's not. The core of it now is to get grants from agencies, pass along overhead, juice the H-index, and ensure job security.

You describe an ideal world, not Big Science.

The journals have been shown to be complicit in corruption, especially during the lockdowns.

We need distributed p2p blockchain science publication, with delayed attribution, probably using zksnarks to underpin it.

Reputation should come from merit - right now the merit is largely determined by reputation.

Comment Re:Too much emotion (Score 2) 85

I agree in principle, but:

not just getting a justice boner over the idea of hurting someone.

The actual reason is that our society is still deeply ingrained with the essentially religious concept of punishing what the majority considers despicable. This is a form of social control, of keeping all individuals within a common framework. It is flexible over time, for example for most of human history slavery was perfectly acceptable, but it changes very slowly.

Child porn is one of the especially despicable things. Therefore, no amount of rational argument, no matter how correct, is going to convince people otherwise.

tl;dr: It's not about the children, it's about enforcement of social standards.

Comment Re:BS headline-arrested for sending, not creating (Score 4, Informative) 85

That's just wrong. The indictment is here. One of the 4 counts was for transfer of obscene material to minors(section 1470); the other three were related to the generated porn(section 1466A).

I'd assume that the interaction with an actual minor were most likely to be what initially attracted attention to his case; but he is very much charged for the production and possession of the porn as well.

Comment Re:Why would ReiserFS be removed? (Score 4, Informative) 50

Usually the kernel interfaces are changing and nobody feels like maintaining the code.

Usually because no one is using it.

Some exceptions exist like Itanium but then a market player picks up the ball.

For a news spool or something like that which ReiserFS used to handle, today most people would use a JFS or ZFS with small files in a special device on a fast disk, compressed too.

Nobody really uses ufs or fat16 or ext2 outside of very niche cases anymore which is just fine. An old livecd will be usable for archaeology for a long time.

Comment Fuck off, Scarlett. (Score 1) 208

Sorry, but as I posted in the previous thread on this subject:

There are probably millions of women who "sound like Scarlett Johanssen".

She quite reasonably owns all rights to HER VOICE.
Not "every voice that's even slightly like hers".

(FWIW this will ultimately be the death of any sort of voice-actor IP fight vs AI that's coming because voices aren't THAT different. Impersonators are a thing, and any studio that doesn't want to pay $100k for Tom Hanks' voice can pay $1000 for a "Tom Hanks Impersonator's Voice" and that's the end of that.)

I like the actress but we need a teensy bit less fucking Cult of Personality in the West, thanks.

Comment Not a good look... (Score 4, Insightful) 208

I'm in no position to say how it will shake down in court; but it seems like a bad look that OpenAI spent so much time trying to secure Johansson's agreement prior to releasing the feature; then released it despite failing to.

OpenAI has absolutely not tended in the direction of being over-cautious when doing rights clearance; they've been quite bold about the "no, anything we do to anything is transformative" theory of the copyright implications of how they've assembled their training set and what comes out; and never you mind those verbatim bits they are just a fabrication by our enemies.

Unless the asking was some weird, pathetic, Altman-things-Johansson-will-be-flattered thing; it can only be assumed that they asked because they believed that the permission was actually relevant; which seems like a bad sign for their chances.

The speed with which they folded under pressure, despite allegedly having an infringement-free version totally based on someone who did authorize the use of their voice who just sounds kind of similar, also doesn't suggest much internal confidence in the strength of their position.

Comment Her (Score 0) 208

My goodness.

I would never trust oPeNAI to do anything ethical, but: /Her/ is the clear inspiration to want SJ's voice. That's fun and smart.

She was dumb to not capitalize on that. Nobody cared about Majel Roddenberry's sagging whatevers when she was doing voice work in her 70's. Missed opportunity.

I just listened to the demo and that voice is totally different. Seriously there are a half million people including other actresses who sound more like Tay or whatever they're calling it.

OpenAI could have trained a clone easily

So the lawsuit will go nowhere. She turned lemonade into lemons.

Who advised her, I wonder?

Comment Re:certainly (Score 2) 86

1) we're talking about CLIMATE CHANGE which is a process that takes minimally, centuries. A few years ago is basically the same as "yesterday".

2) volcanoes are generally a sign of a location of tectonic activity, magma upwelling and generally hot spots. Dormant != cold, duh? Yellowstone is an "inactive" volcano too.

Look at the location of Thwaites Glacier, and then look at where these volcanoes have all been identified.
See that 'pentagon' of volcanoes to the lower left of the Byrd Subglacial Basin? That is PRECISELY where this is happening.
Complete coincidence, right?
The map:

Look, I get it. Dogmatically, if you're a scientist today both for funding and not to be canceled, pretty much everything has to be linked to climate change. Whatever. No honest evaluation wouldn't see a connection between 'increased warming' and 'massive pack of volcanoes in the same place' as somehow logically connected.

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