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Comment Re:wow, really? (Score 2) 51

I'd say there should be a path of not dealing with password rules by getting away from passwords.

I also say that the fact that PKI is considered annoying is a bit of a failure of the industrey to make it easier. Fundamentally, it's not a hard thing, but usability hasn't been high on the list.

Big problem in general is that you have some people on one side trying to get stuff done, but being woefully clueless about security, and then on the other side people who *only* care about security, failing to understand how they could make good security practices more frictionless in the use case. Then you have horrible things where the security people can't *possibly* review the whole body of work and there remain glaring issues while ugly bolt on of 'security' in awkward ways that make way less sense than it *could*.

Comment Re:I have questions... (Score 1) 71

What you pay a true premium for is when Shit Happens at 2AM and your network goes haywire, forcing the IT professional to rely on the trained technical support they paid a lot for and expect to get at 2AM in order to save their ass.

If you need trained technical support to troubleshoot an issue with a switch you aren't much of an IT Professional, IMHO.

In 20+ years in this profession I've never needed technical support on a switch for anything other than a hardware failure requiring RMA/warranty service. Cisco would certainly be less frustrating in this regard, because I wouldn't have to jump through the Tier 1 nonsense to convince them it actually is a hardware failure, as opposed to an ID10T error, but I haven't dealt with enough switch failures to justify the Cisco Premium for this scenario.

I could be a real snob and make the same statement about routers and firewalls. Admittedly a higher bar there, more that can go wrong configuration wise, still, unless we're talking super small business here, you should have enough in-house expertise to manage them with whatever configuration you need.

Comment Re:wow, really? (Score 2) 51

Well, what do we "know" about security really? Have two "high security" companies point their security auditors at each other and most likely they'll both fail each other, while they would pass themselves. "Security" experts regularly hold contrary views from each other on the "secure" way to do this or that. There's some obviously "bad" security practices, but a lot of disagreement on "good" security practices.

Very unhelpful is the myriad of "security" vendors hawking their wares and many of these arguably decrease security. For example, one of the use cases for SolarWinds that was pushed was that you could see security issues, and at least some companies deployed that solution precisely for the marketed security benefit, but opened themselves wide open because the same access SolarWinds needed to monitor was weaponized to attack the systems. Some have web proxies intended to provide security, but inject untrustworthy certificates to successfully MITM TLS connections in the name of security. Beyond that, you have snake oil, like a myriad of MFA vendors that make a simple technique and make it convoluted and insist, for example, that ssh key based authentication must be disabled for security in favor of their mobile app.

Now I could be surprised, but I wager that Microsoft's discipline would broadly be considered "adequate" when measured against moderately "secure" companies, but they are a huge target. There are likely more hardened, but I'd wager most would be decent.

Comment Re:Hate the look (Score 2) 54

As far as I know, the software you'd want is 'Audacious', which has a 'Winamp Classic Interface' mode that can load the skins.

Unfortunately, in Winamp classic interface, it's all bitmap based so with high DPI displays it's either tiny or very awkwardly scaled. I'd also love something honoring the "Winamp form factor" but with more modern UI design, maybe with vector instead of bitmap if wanting to do the skins.

I appreciate the "library management" sort of view when actively dealing with the music in interesting ways, but wish more would have a "make a player focused window" for being present, but "ambient".

Comment Re:Are you starting your supply chain audits now? (Score 1) 17

"Gitlab has yet another severe security vulnerability" is barely "news" at this point, it happens so often.

Gitlab is one of those software that puts a reasably nice looking "box" around dubious chunks of code vaguely duct taped toogether. You can do an easy deployment that nicely seems to work, but if you look a little harder, you can see a bunch of complex hard to debug interactions that you just have to hope never goes wrong.

With predictable implications for security, where vulnerabilities love overly complex interactions where it's likely that no one in the world actually properly understands the overall picture.

Comment Re: Why Qt6? (Score 2) 54

when they stopped support

So it doesn't work fine.

here is no technological reason why it couldn't continue working, only logistical.

The reason doesn't matter, what matters is that applications that use DX12 and Vulkan generally can't work in Windows 7 (with some select exceptions). From a technology standpoint, they could have given Windows 7 all the features, but logistically, they didn't.

Comment Re:Why Qt6? (Score 4, Insightful) 54

His comment answered the 'why not port it?' by mentioning Windows 7. Going to Qt6 prevents it from going with Windows 7.

On one hand, I get it, Windows 7 was the last edition before the platform agenda shifted to be all about cloud accounts, telemetry, and being an ad platform. So if you are a Windows die-hard but can't get on board with that BS, then Windows 7 is it.

On the other hand, Windows 7 is being left behind by Microsoft and a bunch of applications. Chrome has left it behind. Firefox has mostly left it behind, and ESR will finally leave it behind by end of this year. Many games left Windows 7 behind (Vulkan and DirectX 12 are generally non-starters in Windows 7). One music player won't balance out the fact you will not be able to run most new games and can't run new versions of browsers.

So ultimately, it's time to leave Windows 7 behind. If you can't get behind the new Windows, then buy a Mac or run Linux. At this point, Wine on Linux might be able to run a broader number of Windows applications than Windows 7, since it does support DirectX 12 and implements other Windows APIs up through Windows 11.

Comment Re:Just something else for Sony to fuck up. (Score 2) 22

We just have to hope they are willing to invest, and to fire the current show runners

Fixed that for you. ;)

Also, on a more serious note, I know it runs counter to modern day TV, but I would argue the very last thing Trek needs to be is a franchise. TNG was novel because it was all that was on the air at the time. By the time they got to ENT the franchise was burned out and ratings reflected it. I have a lot of issues with NuTrek, but I do really enjoy SNW, can find redeeming things about DSC, but if they try to make it into the Trek version of the Marvel Universe or copy what Disney has done with Star Wars they're going to burn it the fuck out.

Comment Re: well, that explains one reason why I don't lik (Score 1) 71

I have some trane zwavw thermostats and a zwave dongle, and it's never given me trouble. I know that the set up, as is, can continue indefinitely.

I think nowadays Zigbee might be a better path, but at the time that was the best path. I do also have wifi devices, but I have to be careful to check if they demand Internet or not (e.g. I've been happy with my OpenGarage, which is wifi based)

Comment Works offline just fine ... (Score 3, Interesting) 71

I have an Ecobee 3 Lite, connected to my Home Assistant system using HomeKit.
I never signed up for an account with Ecobee, and I even block the thermostat from accessing the internet, with the firewall rules in the router.

It works just fine, and can be controlled from Home Assistant over the web.

It lacks certain features that I would make it better, such as season settings, but it is minor inconvenience to do the settings a few times a year (e.g. Heat only, Auto; and different thresholds for heat/cool).

Lesson: don't use any device that requires cloud functionality to function ...

Comment Re:A Phoneless iPhone for Andre the Giant Sized Ha (Score 3) 123

Disagree. My iPad fills two niches: I read on it, a lot, both eBooks and general web browsing. I could do these things on my significantly smaller iPhone but that hurts both my eyes and wrists after a while. The other niche, streaming video, on the road and at home when away from the TV (e.g., in bed, out on the porch, etc.) Streaming video isn't as fun on an iPad as it is on a large 4K television but I can't take the 4K TV with me on a flight or intercity rail ride, and while the iPhone could do this, the iPad is the perfect balance between screen size and portability.

Another minor niche, video calls with friends. I tend to prefer an actual laptop for this use case but if it's unavailable or I'm too lazy to go get it, the iPad is better than the phone.

I'll confess I don't understand the folks using iPads as a laptop replacement. I get illustrators who use them, I have a contingent of those at work I support, but the road warriors I see in airports using iPad Pros as a laptop replacement, uhh, why?! It's just as large as a real laptop -- hell, some of the extreme iPads are LARGER -- and a lot less flexible.

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