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Comment Re:CMS (Score 2) 161

Take a look at Drupal and the different distributions that are available for download (pre-defined packages of modules and features known to work together). It looks like they have a distribution right up your alley in OpenPublic (

That is awesome. I was in a similar situation about 3 years ago where I was trying to help my community with their web presence. We tried Drupal, and it worked for the most part. But OpenPublic would have saved us a lot of time and grief.

Comment Not good for OEM Windows licenses (Score 1) 1009

This will be costly for the people that buy OEM licenses of Windows OS. The way that I understand it is that the OEM license is tied to the motherboard serial number. With OEM license you can upgrade everything (video card, audio card, network, hard drive, RAM, etc) except the motherboard and you will not need to purchase another license. However, if you replace the motherboard you will need to purchase another license. Supposedly Microsoft will not reactivate an OEM license. They will make you buy another license.

This should not affect the retail license versions.

Comment Re:Riduculous Retiree Benefits (Score 0) 473

The ridiculous retiree benefits mandate handed down from congress is pretty much the sole reason for this unnecessary debacle.

No other organization is required to provide such an absurd level of retiree benefits payment so why is this insanity allowed to persist in light of the fact it could potentially doom the USPS?

Why are we still paying people to not work? Seriously. Why do we have public pension plans that pay people after they are done working? They need to phase out pensions and start going the 401k/403b route. Put the burden of retirement savings on the employee, not the employer. Problem solved. The public should *not* be on the hook for lavish public pension plans that guarantee money regardless of economic conditions.

Comment Re:Can someone explain (Score 1) 89

Why a user would not simply install MS Security Essentials and be done with it?

Because if I can't trust Microsoft to make a relatively secure OS then there's no way in hell I'm trusting the same company/developers to make a properly working security software to run on top of the OS.

Third party security software makes sense.

Comment Re:There is no reason TO require ID to vote (Score 1) 817


The idea that requiring ID to vote some how disenfranchises legitimate and legal voters is asinine.

You have that exactly backwards. A quarter of black Americans do not have ID. Those "free" ID's can cost $200 for older Americans born at home without birth certificates, and expensive trips to the DMV for the poor.

Please explain to me how the poor were able to make it to the welfare office to sign up for government assistance.

And all to address a problem that simply does not exist.

A quick Google search proves you to be a liar.

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