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Comment Re:Red Dward/Lexx (Score 1) 480

I tried to watch RD a few years ago, I force my way through a season or tow, but it was just so horrible. Literally the worst tv series I have ever seen. Part of the problem is that it is just too British, and I tend to not like scifi comedies at all, but still it is truly horrible.

Comment Re:I Don't Buy It (Score 1) 413

Well, there are some arguments about it in theory. There are legitimate points to be made. And one universal truth is that there is loads of areas to be improved in how our legal system handles and defines crimes. But, no one personally is sympathetic to them, it is all theoretical.
And I really do not see where you are coming from. How does it create demand? Are there Pedophiles making a killing off of ads or subscriptions? I sort of get the impression it is more about enthusiastic individuals who do it because that is what they love, and they get a thrill of video taping and posting it. They are not some sort of business man or entertainer, who are just in it for the money or applause.

Comment Re:Missing (Score 2) 480

Personally, above all of this, the point that really bugged me was how the prime directive seemed to change or cease to exist whenever it stood in the way of something Janeway wanted. At the very least have the show admit when the characters are breaking their own rules.

Comment Re:No (Score 2) 192

Best viewed with IE is at least in some way not something the web designer arbitrarily decided. Particularly back in the day, loads of web programming only worked well on the browser it was specifically designed for. Using another could create a worst user experience. This is goign out of your way to make third party apps not work, and banning the user of said apps.

Comment Harrassing a Suicide Prevention Support Group (Score 1) 693

How can anyone stand this woman? Even if we believe her every word we still get: Called by a single person who apparently claimed to represent or be a member of some suicide support group. So she decides to lead a harassment movement again the site and all of its members.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
