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Comment Re:Changes from the original submission (Score 1) 145

If you use a plugin like Stylish (available for Chrome & Firefox) you can add a stylesheet for slashdot.org with the following rule:

article#firehose-000 {
        display: none;

This will collapse the element containing the videos. I've also heard of people using their Adblock plugins to do the same thing by telling it to treat that element as an ad and collapse it.

An (untested) rule to hide the polls would be:

article.fhitem-poll {
        display: none;

Comment Re:Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes (Score 2) 285

PuTTy is already an incompatible mess all of it's own. It even has it's own special format for keys, so we get the joy of running every ssh key generated on a *nix system through puttygen.exe just to spit out some fugly PPK file. Oh, you need me to add your public key to authorized_keys? What's that you say? You used puttygen? Well fuck me, time to look up the command to convert that stupid shit again. Wonderful!

Not to mention the fractured disorganization of the configuration, the crap profile system and all the other reasons why PuTTy is a pain in the ass.

The fact that Microsoft is talking about using OpenSSH means at the very least the key files will be compatible. I have no idea why no one bothered porting OpenSSH to Windows before, but it's about damn time! I'm looking forward to a version of PuTTy (or KiTTy, actually) that uses the native OpenSSH instead of the existing legacy PuTTy implementation of SSH. I'd love to delete all those PPK files and never see another one again as long as I live.

Comment Re:MS Paint (Score 2) 290

Today, so called "usability specialists" are generally only interested in how shiny and pretty things look. It sucks.

Haven't you heard? Shiny is out, flat is in. Shiny is so old school ugly skeuomorphism bro. The new flatness is like, clean and modern. Like some wise old designer dude said, "A design is good once you've taken everything away; it's perfect." So true man, like less is more and stuff!

Submission + - SourceForge MITM Projects (github.io) 2

lister king of smeg writes: What happened?

SourceForge, once a trustworthy source code hosting site, started to place misleading ads (like fake download buttons) a few years ago. They are also bundling third-party adware/malware directly with their Windows installer.

Some project managers decided to leave SourceForge – partly because of this, partly just because there are better options today. SF staff hijacked some of these abandoned accounts, partly to bundle the crapware with their installers. It has become just another sleazy garbage site with downloads of fake antivirus programs and such.

How can I help?

If you agree that SourceForge is in fact distributing malicious software under the guise of open source projects, report them to google. Ideally this will help remove them from search results, prevent others from suffering their malware and provide them with incentive to change their behavior.

As this story has been submitted several times in the past several days, by various submitter and is going around various other tech forums( https://news.ycombinator.com/i... , https://soylentnews.org/articl... , https://www.reddit.com/r/progr... ,) this submitter wonders has our shared "glorious Dice Corporate overloads" been shooting this story down?

Submission + - SourceForge assumes ownership of GIMP For Win, wraps installer in adware (arstechnica.com)

An anonymous reader writes: It appears that SourceForge is assuming control of all projects that appear "abandoned." In a blog update on their site, they responded saying in part "There has recently been some report that the GIMP-Win project on SourceForge has been hijacked; this project was actually abandoned over 18 months ago, and SourceForge has stepped-in to keep this project current. "

SourceForge is now offering "to establish a program to enable users and developers to help us remove misleading and confusing ads."

Comment Re:32MB vs 10KB (Score 1) 227

China doesn't need to control things on the device level, they control the entirety of the Chinese internet. So I guess you could say that China is more efficient at controlling free speech, while the US struggles to keep pace. I'm sure the NSA would love to have the absolute power that the Chinese government has over the Chinese internet, it would make catching "terrorists" so much easier, especially if they didn't have to deal with Congress trying to take away their toys every now and again.

Comment Re:32MB (Score 1) 227

But your zx81 wasn't a "modern self-hosting ad platform" which "delivers relevant ads to consumers based on their consumption patterns, derived from the shit loads of data we gobbled up from our other shitty platforms"

The Internet of Things is nothing more than an obvious ploy to stick more ads onto more eyeballs. If Google has taught us anything, it's that they will stop at nothing to embiggen their capacity to deliver advertisements while shutting down services that fail to deliver the appropriate number of users. Consumer benefit is an afterthought, eyeballs are paramount.

Let's not forget that so far the existing IoT-type devices have considered security an afterthought, and we can easily imagine a future where your son pisses off some shithead on Call of Duty 54 who then hacks your oven to catch on fire. I look forward to the glorious future where we have to worry each and every day whether some far away hacker is going to make our lives miserable because our appliance vendor considered security a useless afterthought.

I can't fucking wait.

Comment Re:32MB? (Score 1) 227

The biggest problem with the "Internet of Things" is that it doesn't have any real use cases other than collecting more data to feed the voracious apatite of advertisement companies. Add to that the ever decreasing cost of display technology and you've got a wide open space of possible ad sales. Get your foot in the door on this IoT thing and you can sell advertisers on how many ad impressions they'll get on refrigerators, coffee makers, toasters, and any other common kitchen appliance they feel like slapping a SoC and LCD display on.

I'm sure there are legitimate use cases for these network connected household devices, but don't fool yourself: Silicon Valley is full of fly-by-night scumbags who would jump at the opportunity to sell ad space and intrude on consumers personal space in every way possible.

Comment Re:32MB? (Score 1) 227

They need all that CPU power to run their ad platform. What, you didn't think you'd get an internet connected toaster without advertisements did you?

"This toast has been brought to you by Preparation-H, soothing your asshole since 1926. If you've got a pain in your ass, try Preparation-H!"

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