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Comment Re: illogical captain (Score 1) 937

> My point is, if atheism is a valid belief/religion, then stealing should be an ethically (but not legally) okay profession. That is, atheism supports the path of the sociopath.

This is the problem with Xianity in particular. It believes that all people are fundementally evil (original sin) and that people need religion and the promise of severe retribution as a crutch. It doesn't allow for the possibility that people could develop or mature morally.

It's kind of "anti-StarTrek" if you think about it.

Plus you have the modern fundie movement that thinks that you have to be a blithering mindless moron vulnerable to the next cult leader to come down the line.

This is VERY "anti-StarTrek" if you think about it.

Europe has had 2000 years of that kind of indoctrination. It's a wonder the entire continent isn't a backwards idiot ridden Sodom and Gamorrah.

Comment Re: No, no. Let's not go there. Please. (Score 1) 937

> A religious person says: I believe in God.
> An atheist says: You shouldn't because you can't prove it

No. You're projecting. You're trying to conflate what YOU would do with what some "other" would do. You are engaging in a common fundie tactic of pretending your own fault is that of your "enemy".

You assume that atheists "give a fuck". They generally don't. They really only have an interest when some theocrat jackass wants to impose their beliefs on everyone around them.

> What about non-religious people forcing their views onto you or other people?

This only manifests in preventing theocrats from running around like members of ISIS forcing their views on everyone else. We have certain laws and founding ideals that are contrary to the theocrat mentality.

Comment Re:No, no. Let's not go there. Please. (Score 1) 937

> really? to me it seems more that the athiests are trying to prove something to the others on how superior they are.

In truth, it is Tea Baggers that do most of that. They are the most numerous and most visible of any of this kind of thing. They insist on pushing their beliefs on everyone (including other Xians).

An atheist or two pointing out that you are breaking your own rules is not nearly as obnoxious as you make it out to be.

Comment Re: hahaaa.... (Score 4, Insightful) 182

Not just that. They would rather watch football or Game of Thrones than the current iteration of The Day the Universe Changed. It doesn't matter how much you impress random billionaires or the Ivory Tower education crowd.

You can provide the materials, but there's no gaurantee that anyone will want to use them.

On the other hand, The Great Courses see plenty of Torrent traffic. There's certainly demand for the stuff. Just less than for Expendables 3.

Comment Re:Simple solution (Score 0) 462

Yes... but you can avoid much of the problem by simply bypassing these communities. The US Interstate Highway system is even designed with this kind of thing in mind.

It's too bad that the Canadians opted for the easy yellow journalism approach. Instead of providing useful information to their own citizens and the rest of us, they just engaged in mindless hysterics.

Kind of like "Germans will take your car for speeding".

Comment Re:License mismatch (Score 1, Insightful) 370

The GPL only hates Mad Max post apocalyptic style "freedom".

The FSF rightfully understands that the complete absence of the rule of law simply enables the person with the biggest pile of guns to control things.

Sun seemed like a benign enough master but Oracle far less so.

Comment Re:In other words nobody is born smart (Score 1) 269

> You're not born with it, you have to learn to be intelligent.

Unfortunately that doesn't account for examples where there are strong deviations from one generation to the next without any clear indication that environment was capable of being the deciding factor.

Actually, examples like those should probably be the starting point for work like this. This study may be full of not terribly useful examples.

Comment Re:Wrong Title (Score 1) 499

Until it's disclosed which such group she actually belonged to, then this is all just a big bunch of nonsense. I'm not going to take it on faith that she's was a member of some organization or that the organization in question was actually terrorist.

Domestic terrorist groups sound more like the 60's rather than the 80s.

Comment Re:SSDs will outpace platter drives (Score 2) 296

> By 2020, SSDs will have greater capacities than 20TB.

I will believe it when I see it.

Even with spinning rust you see a lot of vaporware and delay.

Gleeful declarations of the death of the other option are entirely premature.

> and hopefully a reversal in the recent trend towards less durability

That's the real kicker. I can bitch and moan about my Barracudas all I want but at least they give me ample warning before giving up the ghost. SSD has yet to prove itself in this regard.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
