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Comment Re:Don't fuck with Mother Nature (Score 2) 421

Don't fuck with Mother Nature

We. Already. Did.

I'd rather have us fuck with Mother Nature after a decade of exhaustive research, debate, and cost benefit analysis than continue fucking with Mother Nature purely based on what's most profitable at the moment (aka, what we do now).

Comment Re:Creepy (Score 1) 193

I'm with the GP post above, we don't know enough about what makes the human brain different from our animal brethren to go around making them more like us without some kind of legal and ethical framework to deal with the results in a way that doesn't make us monsters. Look at it this way, there have been human beings that lived full, healthy lives with average intelligence and only a fraction the brain tissue that typical people have. We simply don't know what it is about the brain that makes us human.

Comment Re:Sweet F A (Score 1) 576

Light speed limitations lead to boring science fiction

I don't find Alistair Reynold's works to be boring, despite the fact that they lack FTL. You just have to reframe the story around the idea of immense travel times and throw in some science woo to explain how people survive the journeys.

Comment Re:Sweet F A (Score 1) 576

Any propulsion system capable of getting significant mass up to interstellar velocities would also function quite well as a weapons system. All they'd have to do is leave a few hundred kilograms coasting at 10% the speed of light (when then begin their deceleration burn) aimed at earth and they'd wipe us out decades before they even got here.

Comment Re: Use GIT (Score 1) 343

One way to do this with SVN is pegged external directories. You tell basically tell svn to pull a directory from a different repository at a specific version. The information about which repository and version to check out is itself saved in svn, so doing a single "checkout this revision" will give you the entire codebase as it was at that time period. It's complicated, and manual, and time consuming, and it kinda sucks. But it does work.

Comment Re:Blunder of the Century (Score 3, Interesting) 47

In one of the Kasparov vs Deep Blue games, Deep Blue made a blunder due to a coding error (it didn't see any viable move but rather than resigning it simply picked a move at random). Kasparov was so convinced that the computer was confused by the play that he thought Deep Blue was looking 20+ moves ahead in the end game, a thought that terrified him. Kasparov won the game, but a lot of people say his confidence was so shaken by that one move that he played significantly differently the rest of the series.

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