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Comment Re:the real story (Score 3, Insightful) 230

the problem that I have with this isn't this particular patch, but the pattern.

Microsoft over the last 6 months have not had a patch cycle that didn't have major widespread issues with a patch that was eventually recalled. The last time they had problems this bad was sometime around 2002-2003, and back then they claimed that they changed their testing criteria to prevent major patch issues from happening, And it worked for a good while. At least I only had to worry about 1-2 bad patches a year at most.

This patch botch, however, takes the cake. There is absolutely no way this patch should have been able to pass a competent Q/A test. Every single windows 7 machine that got this patch through our test systems (which is about 100 PC's spread across multiple vendors and OS images) popped up a "you are a conterfeit victim" message within 24 hours of receiving the patch. There is no way they couldn't have run into this unless they are doing short term checks for patch related issues.

"The Patch Installed without crashing" is Not Good enough Q/A when you are rolling out a patch to millions of potential customers. Someone in MS Q/A Needs to get fired over these issues before it causes more damage (IE: People taking Forbes stupid advice, disabling critical updates and getting infected by some cryptovirus that wipes out all of their company files that could have been prevented by a patch install.)

Comment Re: Isn't that click fraud? (Score 1) 285

Actually, been seeing a lot of ad popups saying to install either flash player or Java recently (hell, even "your machine is infected!! Call this scammer phone number to fix it!" ads have been popping up lately). These have been around forever and AdBlockPlus blocks almost all of them.

The search for "(Insert company here) Support" ads on search engines however adblock plus does nothing for unless you disable unobtrusive ads. I've had people call them and get hosed by some scammer cause their printer wasn't working and they searched for HP Support and got a scammer.

These ads are cases where the 4 Laws of Computer stupidity (See my Sig) are exploited to the fullest and why I block all ads anymore.

Comment Re:Isn't that click fraud? (Score 5, Insightful) 285

But other people have the checkbox set to permit unobtrusive ads.

I don't, and everyone I set up doesn't either, and it isn't because I hate all Ads. It's because I hate Removing Adware and viruses.

All of the unobtrusive ad's I've seen from adblock plus contain some link to a malicious download. Don't believe me? do the VLC Test.

1) Turn on Unobtrusive ads
2) Go to Google (or Bing, or Yahoo, Or Ask, ETC.)
3) Search for "VLC Media Player" (As a side note, DuckDuckGo is the few Search engines that do this right, but still serves malicious ads once in awile. Use "Libreoffice" or "Openoffice" Instead of VLC for an example)
4) Click on the first link you see. If the first link you see is an ad, click on it.
5) Download the installer ***WARNING!! Do not run it unless you Enjoy Cleaning viruses for fun!***
6) Go to, and submit the file for analysis
7) Watch the detections go off the charts.

I get roughly 3-7 pc's a week in our shop infected by adware caused by malicious ads that would be otherwise considered unobtrusive. If ad firms would clean up their act, and refuse malicious content ads or obvious scams then I would be more receptive of turning it on. Until then They're no different than a trojan downloader to me.

Comment Another HP 2000 (Score 4, Interesting) 232

Awhile back, HP made the HP 2000 Laptops running low end AMD Processors and sold them at Walmarts at $279.

Piece of Crap doesn't even describe this PC. These are easily the slowest PC's I have touched in years, and it's not because of Windows 8. (Hell, I think Chrome OS Would struggle on these things.) It's the Hardware components they chose to use with them. Using Low end AMD C and E processors coupled with hard drives with embarrassing slow speed and latency times, it's built to be as cheap as possible and it shows. HP seems to have a track record with this as well, Slipping Tablet, Phone and NetBook Components in full size laptop form factors to convince Granny that she's getting more Laptop than she actually is.

I constantly get these in the shop and I tell the customers there's nothing I can do to them speed wise to make them any faster. Even if you reset them to factory (Which Amazingly removes all of the bloatware down to only essential Hardware necessary items) it's takes practically 30 minutes to boot before you can actually use it. Patching it takes about 1 full day between waiting an hour for it to actually register updates, to installing Windows 8.1, which takes 4-5 hours, and another 6-8 hours installing the Windows 8.1 patches. With just about any other laptop (short of the Toshiba's that follow this same Price model) I can go from windows 8.0 factory to fully 8.1 patched in under 3 hours.

If $279 Gets you crap like the HP 2000, I can't imagine what these $199 systems would be like, Unless MS is seriously giving HP Money each time they sell one of these.

Comment Re:Why CurrentC will fail miserably (Score 3, Insightful) 631

Here's a better Reason it will fail:

Dear (CurrentC Developer)

Thank you for Submitting CurrentC to the App Store. We've Reviewed the Application and we have chosen not to publish this application. As you know, Apple reserves the right, in it's sole discretion, to reject an application for any reason.


Iphone Developer Program.

Apple never Forgets or Forgives.

Comment Re:yes... (Score 2) 113

The main reason RT Failed is because MS Would not let you develop Desktop apps for it. All you could do was port metro apps and businesses stayed away from it cause you couldn't add it to a domain. It also was more expensive than Android tablets so it was already priced out of the market.

They could have also saved it by making it a Chromebook competitor. FWIW if someone made a laptop with RT running on a good ARM Processor, and sold it for under $200 it would fly off shelves. It's basically got everything most people need. (Write and print documents, browse the web, and check Email. Windows, IE and Office combined satisfy that need), Sure you would be stuck with IE and a locked down windows, but at $200 or lower it would have sold well and would probably run a lot better than the $200 windows 8 PC's that they're currently trying to push. In Fact, RT in a Netbook would technically do more since RT comes with office.

Comment e/i killed it. (Score 1, Troll) 320

All they could legally put on the air after e/i enforcement was stuff that PBS would run, and most of it was PBS Rejects so bad you'd wish you were watching PBS.

Remember that TV is not allowed to entertain kids anymore. It has to Educate them. Showing violence like Ninja Turtles just encourages kids to make Nunchucks out of sticks and beat each other senseless, and that's Bullying! and Bullying is Bad!! We need to rise above hate and teach kids that sharing is caring and what a Black-Tuffed Marmoset is instead of petty moral and life lessons from Baby animals with an overactive imagination, Mythical blue creatures that are three apples high, or various hero teams.

The More you Know...

Comment Take only what you need to survive (Score 1) 577

It's not still a thing. I can make a case that it hasn't been a thing since Windows XP.

I've had systems with Windows XP on them that have been fine for years without any major issues. The secret is simple, and it comes from SpaceBalls Nonetheless.

Take only what you need to survive

Install what you need and that's it. If you start installing and uninstalling everything under the sun of course it's going to get slower because you're filling up the system with bootup garbage or adware you probably don't need, and it's probably not going to remove itself cleanly because you're relying on some Monkey in a Code Zoo that doesn't know how an MSI Installer works to make a clean uninstaller.

Comment Re:You want a ChromeBook (Score 1) 334

Second the Chromebook, Although keep in mind about printing (I recommend Epson Here. Must be Google Cloud Print ready but probably won't like Dial up) and Dial up to Ethernet is hard to find and expensive.

What they really need is something like the Landel Mailbug A simple one purpose device just for mailing, but it seems like all of these devices either are very proprietary with expensive service plans, Don't service outside the US, or the company that made the device is out of business and the device is derelict.

Comment Thing MS needs to address right now. (Score 1) 330

1) Pay to win Clause in Eula: Keep or Scrap. Scrapping it would make a lot of friends in the Minecraft Community, Especially server admins and considering it started the whole Bukkit mess. Speaking of Bukkit...

2) Open source the server: Yes or No. MS (Or Mojang for that matter) doesn't make money on the server. Open sourcing it would also be a Olive branch to the Minecraft community. It obviously wouldn't be GPL, but MS-PL or MS-RL is a possibility.

3) Java: Yes or No. MS Hates Java and Oracle. I'm sure at some point they will make an attempt to make Minecraft on a more Microsoft Friendly Code Platform. This could be good news or bad news depending on which OS platform you use, and which code platform they decide to build it on.

Comment Re: What the heck? (Score 1) 354

Might as well add to my post...

9) Mojang COO says stuff no one cares about.
10) Majority of Bukkit devs do their best Cartman Impressions.
11) Other outside and secondary server projects debate whether they should put on their red shirt and blue hat.

At this point in time. Bukkit is dead regardless of the outcome. If I was Mojang I would name the next update the MODAPI update if they are serious about continuing server mod development.

Comment Re:What the heck? (Score 3, Informative) 354

They Decompiled and Deobfuscated the original MC code and modified it to create Bukkit.
Mojang Terms says "2) Do not redistribute our games or any alterations of our game files."
Considering that Bukkit is redistributed alterations of the original server game files, "Stole" is in the right context.

Comment Re:What the heck? (Score 5, Informative) 354

1) Modders hate Minecraft Server code because it does nothing but play minecraft.
2) Modders Steal Minecraft Server code, Modify it, and GPL it. Thus Developing Bukkit
3) Other Coders as well as original Modders (now Bukkit Devs) add Code to Bukkit to make it better.
4) Mojang instead of DMCA'ing the Hell out of Bukkit, hires all major Bukkit Devs, Allows Bukkit to continue.
5) Mojang enforces clause in EULA, making Play to Win servers Illegal. Since P2W is the primary method most MC Servers survive on, Drama Ensues.
6) Lead Bukkit Dev over EULA Enforcement pulls a Cartman, Says "Screw you Guys! I'm A Goin Hume" and ends bukkit.
7) Mojang says "Not so fast! We bought Bukkit when we hired devs and the original devs will continue it". Since Bukkit asset sales were never disclosed when the devs got hired, More Drama Ensues.
8) Wolvereness asks Mojang if Stolen MC code is GPL since they own Bukkit now. Mojang says No. DMCA's Bukkit and all derivatives due to stolen MC code not GPL'd and Therefore GPL on Bukkit is not valid and he wants his code back.

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