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Comment Re:Sigh... (Score 1) 319

This is the only realistic hope we have, at least maybe until Gen. X'ers die off. Conventional fixes to global warming are utterly incompatible with most Americans, and if the US can't get on board, nothing's going to happen.

Global warming could be solved by accident with very cheap solar power, but now cheaper fossil fuels are killing that solution too.

Comment Re:The road to hell is paved with good intentions (Score 1) 319

Nope, nobody's going anywhere without massively FTL travel.

And don't give me any crap about generation ships, we don't even have the long-term-thinking capability to fix global warming through CO2 emissions reduction, and even the thought of any sacrifice that might be involved totally disables us.

Comment Perfect demonstration of the problem (Score 2, Interesting) 512

Me and my boss at lunch today:

Me: "They should have had that building way better secured, especially after being firebombed."

Boss: "What would you do to secure it?"

Me: "Armored building like a US embassy, armed guards at the door, and a heavy armored door between the lobby and work area."

Boss: "What if they hit it with a rocket launcher? It'll go through even an armored door."

Me: "Maybe build it in a basement?"

Boss: "Or you could just not print Mohammed cartoons."

And that's what any business is going to do, the much cheaper and easier solution. The terrorists won. No business could print such things after yesterday.

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