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Comment Re:Microdosing for Capitalism (Score 1) 230

Not so sure popping back Ritalin like candy to get your "higher" education, is any better.

From what I understand, microdosing does offer some kind of actual or perceived focus benefit. I'm guessing it happens when you're just "buzzed" and not completely mentally fried on the drug.

Multiple things can be bad at the same time, yes, haha.

And yeah I understand (and have much experience with the concept of) microdosing. Doing so just so you're more creative or happy or getting some sort of benefit just for WORK is the depressing part. Just do a worse job at your job, it doesn't matter that much. They're perverting something fun/theraputic like LSD into some "productivity hack" because we're not allowed to enjoy anything in this world unless it can be used to make a profit eventually.

Comment Ran By Fans (Score 1) 184

What's scary is now 4chan is going to be ran by people who grew up with 4chan as a constant presence in their life. If you thought the website was bad now, wait until it's ran by kids who believe "anonymous is legend!!!!!!!!" is something other than a joke.

Comment How About... (Score 1) 448

How about they be careful what they GIVE us. If it's of a lesser quality AND costs more than I'm pretty sure consumers will go elsewhere. It's the reason we are having this discussion today I believe, consumers have already gone elsewhere and the cable company wants to cut off a mass exodus as seen in the CD/music industry.

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