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Comment Re:Some Sense Restored? (Score 1) 522

Gimp has a dbus dependency, and dbus in turn has the systemd libs as dependencies.

Which still sounds odd to me. I'm running Gentoo on my main desktop (Mint on my laptop) and have never installed systemd. I've decided to stick with OpenRC. GIMP works fine here and I do have dbus installed.

It seems this dbus dependency is not an unsolvable problem.

Comment Re: I'm a vegetarian... (Score 1) 57

That's funny because twenty years ago, people were saying exactly the same things about x86 processors.

Slashdot has a long sordid history with Flash.

Pre-Android: "Flash sucks. It's proprietary"

Post Android when Apple was denying Flash on iOS and Google and Adobe were praising how great Flash was on Android: "Flash is great!"

Adobe dumps support for Flash on Android: "Flash sucks. Its proprietary."

It's that proprietary nature that makes this a concern at all. If it weren't proprietary then it wouldn't matter if Adobe themselves decided to release it for a particular platform. The community would produce a version that would run on just about any widely-used system.

Comment Re:Suspension of Disbelief (Score 1) 193

Somehow I happened to see a commercial for it. I say somehow because I no longer have a cable connection so wouldn't normally see commercials.

Anyway, I watched the commercial for this new show and instantly recognized it was a complete and utter disaster, on multiple levels.

Just the preview alone showed the execs were trying much too hard to make a show with suspense and/or cuteness. It's one thing to have someone be able to fool people. It's quite another for someone to deduce which hard drive to pull from a bank of hundreds to stop the explosion/traffic jam/whatever from occurring.

However, one small bit I did like was as the lead character and someone else are racing through the streets, she, the driver, makes some comment about not using seat belts because the car has air bags. Scorpion replied to the effect, the air bags would make things worse at their speed. Therefore, drive faster.

Aside from that, suspension of belief was impossible for anything the commercial showed.

Comment Re:Its not the technology - it is the tech company (Score 5, Informative) 238

where we are not the highest corporate taxed country on earth.

Except we're not the highest. Chad and the UAE have the highest.

Also, to make up for the loss of revenue, we would have to raise the personal income tax. We could be like Germany with a 45% personal income tax, Norway with 47.2% or Japan at 50.84%.

Oh wait, you thought by lowering corporate taxes things would work themselves out. Now I see the problem.

A comparison of corporate and personal income tax rates

Comment Re:not complicated...monopology (Score 1) 346

It's also sparsely populated, which should increase cost of infrastructure deployment.

So use Montana, North or South Dakota or even Wyoming as substitutes. Large states, comparable in size, which are sparsely populated.

What's the excuse for them not having good internet service?

Comment Opposite from my experience (Score 1) 403

Yeah, yeah, one data and all that.

My 2010 Hyundai Elantra claims it will get 29/40. The first time I took it on an extended (highway) trip, I got exactly their 40 mpg figure (actually a fraction above).

As to local driving, I filled up yesterday and the calculation gave me 32.22 mpg though I don't drive what one would consider true city driving such as in New York or LA, more a hybrid of stopping and starting with some distances in between. That is comparable to my usual number with has been as high as 35 in this hybrid city driving.

Obviously winter driving kills your mpg but every car I've driven for the past several decades have all been these types and I have consistently gotten above what the manufacturer says. And no, I'm not doing hyper driving or anything like that. Just common sense driving such as not flooring it to the red light then slamming on the brakes, heavy acceleration off the line and related driving maneuvers.

Comment Customization? (Score 3, Insightful) 249

And then the online world becomes customized, just for you.

Fuck that, just give me the information. I don't need no customization. There's a reason AdBlock exists.

It's bad enough we have to put up with shitty web sites 'designed' by people trying to show off how shiny, but unusable, things can be, we don't need ads trying to predict what we want adding to the damage.

Comment Re:Lots of cheap carbon stuff (Score 1) 652

. . . if we would pare down the population to 2 billion.

If we let the current Ebola outbreaks take their course, we could reach that goal fairly quickly rather than the 60 years you propose.

Unfortunately there are those who might think allowing this to happen would not be the most efficient way to get us to that population level.

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