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Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 21

Based on the 138 convictions, more than any other to date...

I see. You think the number of prosecutions of the executive branch, BY the executive branch, is a reasonable measurement between administrations of which is more corrupt.

That's so cute. And it's so stupid that it physically hurts.

The rest of your comment was nothing more than lies and ad hominems. Literally, there was nothing else in that comment that didn't fall into that category. Especially your claim that speaking to my assumed "culture, ancestry, location of birth" in your argument is not an ad hominem. That's fucking textbook ad hominem.

Comment Re:Ah Investors, I Feel Your Pain (Score 1) 95

I thought I had some of their titles from there, but it's been a while since I checked. I don't really go seeking out EA titles for the reasons we're all familiar with. Last time they bought a game company I liked I swore for about 10 minutes, because I knew that once EA got ahold of them with that famous reverse-Midas-touch of theirs, the company and its software would turn into shit. Oh well, whatcha gonna do...

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 21

Yes, well, your examples suck. They are just like the rest.

Since you didn't say how the examples "suck," the examples therefore still stand, and therefore your assertion that they are "just like the rest" -- which ignores the examples of how they are not -- is baseless, and ignored.

And unions and democrats, and communists and fascists are not anti-capitalists by any means.

Much moreso than Republicans, as the examples -- which remain undisputed -- demonstrate.

... by the grace of your culture, ancestry, location of birth you enjoy many advantages

Ad hominem.

It doesn't fit inside your narrative

Non sequitur.

You said that your preferred faction, the republicans, are better than the democrats in the corruption department, and I am telling you outright that you are full of shit

What's that got to do with whether "people who 'donate' to political campaigns ... expect a return on their investments?"

And you did tell me that I am "full of shit" ... but you've not backed it up. Still waiting.

And we can take a good look at your idol Reagan, just for starters as a tiny sample. On official record as the most corrupt administration ever

a. He is not my idol
b. You're lying that Regan's is "[o]n official record as the most corrupt administration ever"

Didn't you used to better at this? Maybe I am misremembering.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 21

You really think that people who "donate" to political campaigns don't expect a return on their investments?

I didn't mention donating to campaigns, unless you're referring to collective bargaining leading to politicians giving handouts to employees in exchange for donations and votes ... which is obviously true, which is one of many reasons I say Democrats are more anti-capitalist.

But I don't think you're talking about that, so I don't have any idea what you think I said here, but it seems to me that I didn't say it.

Scott Walker is taking money just like all the others

Yes, he accepts donations, like all politicians do.

... and lot of it from a somewhat famous Las Vegas casino owner. What's up with that?

What's wrong with that? This isn't an argument, it's just an attempt to imply something negative, without actually saying anything that is actually negative.

So funny that you think one group of gluttons is different from another.

I gave specific examples. Do you have any counterexamples? If not, then you're not actually making an argument here, either.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 21

Further, the Republicans' policies are generally much more pro-capitalist (against raising the minimum wage, against collective bargaining with govt employees, and so on).

You have fallen for the Republican trick.


Under capitalism, there would not be any minimum wage, and government employees wouldn't even exist because there would be no such thing as public property or public services that require public employees.

You're correct on the first point, and incorrect on the second point. There would be far fewer government employees, but no, they would still exist.

But I didn't say these are the correct capitalist positions. I said they are "much more pro-capitalist" than the Democrats. Clearly, if there should be no minimum wage under capitalism -- which I agree is clearly true -- then being against its increase is more pro-capitalist than being in favor of its increase. Further, the one person I mentioned -- Scott Walker -- said just recently that he thinks the minimum wage serves no purpose.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 21

The GOP isn't any more pro capitalist than the Dems. They just like a different set of cronies.

Yes, the GOP -- as a whole -- does pay off its cronies. But there are a significant number of prominent Republicans in office who oppose these practices (e.g., Scott Walker). There is not a significant number of Dems who oppose these practices. Further, the Republicans' policies are generally much more pro-capitalist (against raising the minimum wage, against collective bargaining with govt employees, and so on).

So ... no, the GOP is significantly more pro-capitalist than the Dems. Very clearly and easily. They are not, however, as pro-capitalist as I am, or Scott Walker is, etc.

Comment Ah Investors, I Feel Your Pain (Score 2) 95

For I too have, far too often, put some money into something EA said would be awesome and it turned out to be a pile of crap. With time, you'll learn to be suspicious of anything EA says. Next year when they do "Restockening, the Sequil", I assure you that it will suck every bit as much as the original did. If you wait a few months before buying, you might be able to pick their stock up cheap (or possibly even free) during a Steam sale. That's just how you need to play the game, if you don't want to waste your money.

Submission + - Amazon base new AWS Directory Service on Samba4 (

Jeremy Allison - Sam writes:

"The New AWS Directory Service
Today we are introducing the AWS Directory Service to address these challenges! This managed service provides two types of directories. You can connect to an existing on-premises directory or you can set up and run a new, Samba-based directory in the Cloud."

Best news for Samba all year !

Comment Re:Dear Canada.... (Score 2) 529

I didn't say any of that. I said, we know how to mete our own form of justice to those that deserve it.

We will not go apeshit. We will not allow our government unrestricted control over every aspect of our lives or violate our laws.

What we will do is find those responsible, and hold them accountable, and very little will stop us until we think this has been accomplished. That is the way we have always done things. (And perhaps burn down the Whitehouse just for shits and giggles on the way home. ;) )

Comment Re:A few things... (Score 1) 324

Are you aware of how Fidesz came into the position they currently hold.

Hungary ( very much like the US ) has no shortage of politicians across the left to right spectrum who are only out to enrich themselves and their friends rather than leading well to the benefit of everyone. It's sad but I don't think uncommon.

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