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Comment Re:Will This Fight Ever End? (Score 1) 597

AC is great for long distance and certain applications. DC is great locally. The bridge rectifier should be between the grid & the home battery, not between the home battery and the devices it is recharging and/or powering.

The exception to this are high power home applications: Stove, Oven, Microwave, Toaster, Fridge, Dryer, Washing Machine, Dishwasher. The battery charger can be on the same circuit set.

Note that TV is NOT on this list. All video screens can be low power these days. All lighting can be low power. There is no reason why this can't be a simple 5V, 4A circuit with USB compatible plugs, several to a room.

Comment Re:watermelons (Score 1) 18

I fully comprehend the positive concept behind libertarian thinking, even if I have become almost as disillusioned with liberty as I am with Marxism.

The one point that libertarians and distributists agree on is that more competition is always good; Net Neutrality, by forcing an even playing field for all bits/second, fosters a truly free market in cyberspace where the cost of participation is and should be low. If we're going to live in a capitalistic society, the least we can do is remove barriers to entry into estate ownership, so that all may at least have the dream of becoming an owner someday. Cyberspace offers us the opportunity to expand that a huge amount, even the children's game Minecraft has a space that if mapped onto the real world, would fill several planets.

Comment Really? (Score 1) 278

Car key, house key, mailbox key, office key and my parents house key and a token for shopping karts. There is a USB key on it too, but I never think of it when I need a USB key... That's about it, it's already too heavy with all that crap.

Comment Re:An Old Story (Score 1, Flamebait) 386

My table saw has a removable shield for when I'm working with something other than a typical pine board.

Band saws and jigsaws typically do not contain shields, as they're used for curved cuts.

There is an inherent danger to most tools, and why training on how to properly use that tool is important.

Programming Languages are tools. If you don't understand how to use the tool, the tool can be destructive.

Now I know why you didn't log in, you didn't want your stupidity broadcast to the world.

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