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Comment Due to Fire Phone Flop? (Score 3, Interesting) 77

I'm willing to bet they felt forced to do this in part thanks to the colossal failure of the Fire Phone. If estimates are accurate they have sold slightly under 50,000 units since launch which is abysmal. I think had the phone been a hit they would have maintained their strategy of keeping it off non Kindle Android. As a tablet owner I'm really glad the phone flopped if this is indeed the case.

Submission + - PS3 Playstation Store error affecting users (

An anonymous reader writes: Sony's PS3 Playstation Store has been experiencing errors and is offline for hours already, affecting increasing number of users.

The errors started after the mandatory 1.08 update.
Sony pushed another update, 1.09, however errors leading to the store being unavailable persist.

Submission + - Rep. Bob Latta Submits Bill to Prevent Net Neutrality (

An anonymous reader writes: In a move hailed by telecom giants and lobbyists, Bob Latta (R-OH) has sponsored HR 4752 in order to prevent the FCC from establishing Net Neutrality rules. The bill would "amend the Communications Act of 1934 to limit the authority of the Federal Communications Commission over providers of broadband Internet access service." This would remove the FCC's authority to classify broadband internet as a common carrier. While the FCC has not invoked that rule, the threat thereof is an important bargaining chip in the negotiations over Network Neutrality. You may wish to write your representative to let them know your feelings about this.

Submission + - Congressman Introduces Bill to Limit FCC Powers

An anonymous reader writes: Representative Bob Latta (R-OH) introduced a bill on Wednesday that would limit the FCC's power to regulate ISPs in a supposed effort to keep the internet free. The bill's text is currently not available on the Library of Congress webpage or on, but a purported copy has been spotted on scribd. Representative Latta's press release nevertheless indicates that the bill is intended to prevent the FCC from re-classifying ISPs as common carriers under Title II. Latta is one of the 28 representatives who lobbied the FCC earlier this month and were shown to have received double the average monetary donations given to all House of Representative members from the cable industry over a two year period ending this past December.

Submission + - Apple Announces 2014 WWDC Keynote will be Streamed Live

SlappingOysters writes: Grab It is reporting that Apple will stream its 2014 WWDC keynote live at 10am PST on June 2. The site speculates that a recent update to showcase title and previous keynote star Real Racing 3 could confirm a rumoured microconsole announcement. The App Store has seen a dramatic rise in the quality and frequency of AAA spin-off titles over the last year, giving Apple a good platform to make a move into this emerging space.

Comment Re:And to think things were better just ten years (Score 1) 218

To be fair RSS was hitting mainstream when it go whacked. It was where Bluetooth was right before the headset rage set in (2003?) and pulled it out of the limbo it had been in between the wants of nerds and the cheapness of manufacturers and most consumers. The 4 factors that hurt RSS in my mind were: 1. non-obvious pronunciation to laymen/not memorable name- even Bluetooth, Firefox, and Google are easier to remember. 2. Similarly it's lack of corporate co-opting and the ensuing pitch as the "next big thing"; good or bad this often pushes tech into the public eye. 4. The post-Chrome seemingly desperate obsession of existing browser providers to seem hip by eliminating and UI elements not used 100% of users. If back and forwards buttons are tossed in the dumpster RSS had no chance in hell. And finally, like you suggested a bit of 1 + 2 in Facebook. A good enough, and for casual users simpler integrated option that also worked for other needs like photo sharing and discussion postings in a presumed safe environment.

Comment Already there for Facebook. (Score 2) 53

I think Facebook won the race to zero long ago. Zero long term viability, zero morality, zero innovation strategy = zero chance of being around in 20 years. They have no depth of innovation or base of loyalty beyond people waiting for the next thing and their friends to migrate. They know they are MySpace, which is why they are spending billions buying up everything in sight in the hopes to finding the innovation and depth that define long term tech company survival. But like most companies without a culture of ingenuity all they can do is buy the current cool thing and run it into the ground. Jokes about this era will be the the way people fixated on the worth of something with so little value. At least the 2000 bubble was about many new ideas being tested and failing. Facebook's value is entirely hinging on the insane concept that somebody can't MySpace them just as quickly. It will be interesting when the market wakes up to that reality.

Comment Elop now in charge of Xbox, Surface, WinPhone. (Score 3, Funny) 293

So I'm gonna bet those divisions are not going to see the focus they did under Ballmer. Assuming the company decides to shift away from chasing the competition with decent but never exciting consumer products. Makes sense too, the new CEO worked for a segment of the company that couldn't have been too thrilled to be bankrolling duds like those. It is pretty bizarre to think that Elop reportedly wanted to sell the Xbox (and Bing) group and now he has been put in charge of it. But maybe it was just a nice gesture to hand him some Ballmer legacy stuff that isn't really anything but an endless drain of company resources and focus. Or maybe they are just stupid and think that his skill at wreaking good organizations might have the the inverse effect on already broken ones.

Comment Why is iPad so much better than iPhone? (Score 3, Interesting) 471

Not to bash the iPhone, but how is it that Apple seems to be so much ahead of the pack when it comes to the iPad but the iPhone seems to be just another high-end smartphone? I mean the new full-size iPad seems so much better especially in size and weight than anything else out there, while the 5s is just a nice spec bump.

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