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Comment Re:Easy kid vs. Succesful adult (Score 1) 323

Studies have shown that the more polite a society, the more seething rage develops inside it.

Actually, studies have shown that those who truly control their temper are less likely to get angry and less likely to suffer the negative consequences of anger (And this was not the ones that are inflicted by others, but the negative changes which happen to the body as a result of anger).

Comment Re:for all your info (Score 1) 83

The key innovation that the article refers to is in the summary, "keep it frozen long enough to ship halfway around the world. " I was aware that there were ice houses long before the ice trade was developed, but I am unaware of anyone developing a trade in it where they shipped it a long distance and then sold it. My recollection is that Persian kings sent servants out to harvest the ice and put it in his ice pits for his use when temperatures got hot, and that rulers in that part of the world did the same for some time into the future. However, I do not recall any reference to merchants selling ice.

Comment Re:Incidentally... (Score 2) 83

The problem is that your recollection does NOT contradict the comment you replied to: from Wikipedia: "Unreliable and expensive at first, plant ice began to successfully compete with natural ice in Australia and India during the 1850s and 1870s respectively, until, by the outbreak of World War I in 1914, more plant ice was being produced in the U.S. each year than naturally harvested ice."
So, both the comment you replied to and the facts you recollect appear to be of the places where it was impractical to harvest natural ice was, as the comment you replied to stated, Australia. Southern California it turns out was supplied by natural ice from Alaska.

Comment Re:Great observational skills (Score 5, Insightful) 99

Actually, my experience is that humans who spend a lot of time outdoors in all types of weather get pretty good at knowing when to take cover as well. The degree to which this is a product of direct (detecting that a low/high pressure front is coming and similar) or indirect (observing the behavior of animals) is hard to determine since most of the time their prognostication is based on putting together various barely noticed clues.

Comment This story makes no sense (Score 1) 221

The actions of all of the major players in this story make no sense based on the known facts. The threat by the hackers to cause a 9/11 style attack if the film was released had no credible support (at least known to me). I know lawyers are risk adverse, but it is hard for me to imagine how Sony could legitimately be a target of lawsuits if the attack actually happened (not that such suits would not be filed, merely that Sony should be able to easily get them all bundled into a few cases and dismissed).
The conspiracy theories which have been created to explain it fail to do so. The motivation they ascribe to those making the hard to explain actions are believable, but it is hard to believe that the actions taken would have the desired results.

Comment Re:highly tendentious language (Score 2) 218

What you say would be true if we were talking about sample letters put out by organizations funded by George Soros or Tom Steyer, but these are not like those. No, these sample letters were put together by organizations which got a small amount of money from organizations which got a small amount of money from the Koch brothers. Everybody knows that the Koch brothers are truly evil, unlike George Soros, who unrepentantly collaborated with the Nazis as a teenager, and everything with even a remote connection to them is therefore evil.

Comment Re:The real issue is... (Score 1) 269

Other posters address the issue of repair-ability. But I will point out that while computers (and related devices, such as Ipods) may soon be something that people rarely, if ever, upgrade (and therefore there is no significant market for making them upgradeable), that does not address the issue the poster you replied to made.
That poster asked the question, how does a "boutique" vendor compete once they have turned their product into a commodity? They are going to discover they have the same problem which Schick and Gillette have. They both spent a lot of time and money convincing men to buy disposable razors. Then they discovered that it was hard to compete when a razor was something someone bought and threw away after a week or two. They are now spending large amounts of money to convince people to buy their razors with replaceable blades.

Comment Re:Wrong conclusion: not "unintended consequences" (Score 1) 118

That would make sense, except, why would you throw fish into a pond so that you can catch them again next year to eat them? It takes several years before a new born fish is large enough to eat. So, if you are stocking a pond you are either doing it with fish that are already large enough to eat (or close to it), or you are willing to wait a few years before you are expecting to catch them. BTW, if you want to suggest that your uncles would have thrown the ones they caught that were too small that year, to catch them again next year, they were taking a very large risk, since fish that small risk a significant fine if you are caught with them by the game commission.

Comment Re:Wrong conclusion: not "unintended consequences" (Score 1) 118

I would recommend that you reword your statement to "...were never intentionally stocked..."

The word "stocked" contains within it the connotation of being done intentionally. Since, the general theory about how fish get into a landlocked body of water is that from time to time some fish eggs stick to the legs of waterfowl and rinse off/hatch in a different body of water. I have never heard that referred to as being stocked.

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