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Comment Re:You see that too? (Score 1) 514

Their problem is that they perpetually need to replenish the underclass as it becomes depleted by people pulling themselves up into the middle or upper class.

Yes, but they have been working hard at stopping that with significant success over the last six years. The most interesting thing is that despite the actual evidence people believe this has happened despite the Democrats best efforts rather than because of their efforts. The Democrats say they want to help the poor and downtrodden and people take them at their word despite the constant evidence of the results of their policies.

Comment Re:No way! (Score 2) 514

The only way to find someone who has no 'preconceived position' is to find someone who knows nothing about the topic.

Not really true. Plenty of people know nothing about biology and yet have plenty of preconceived notions about evolutionary theory. The only people without preconceived notions would be newborns.

No, it is definitely true. The person you replied to did NOT say that someone who knows nothing about the topic would not have a preconceived position, merely that ONLY a person who knows nothing about the topic MIGHT have no preconceived position.

Comment Re:No way! (Score 1) 514

In other words, you want someone in that post who does not know anything about the subject. Anyone in the Senate long enough to get this position is going to have formed an opinion on the subject of H-1B visas unless they have been intentionally ignoring the subject. It is not as if Senator Sessions is coming into this position not knowing anything about the subject. He has been on this committee in the past.

Comment Re:Except of course the story was FALSE (Score 2) 420

Except that he did not SPEAK to the racist group. He spoke to a neighborhood civic association...you know the types of groups which campaigning politicians speak at 5 or 6 a day? The fact that the chairman of that group was a friend of David Duke and had scheduled the David Duke group to meet at the same hotel later that day is not something you can reasonably expect either the Congressman (state legislator at the time) or his aids to know. If they had looked into the background of the civic association at whose meeting he was asked to meet, they would have discovered nothing except a normal neighborhood association. Why would they have looked into who else was meeting in that hotel later that day? My source by the way is the Times-Picayune and I gave the link further up the thread. Furthermore, I do not see any of these people fussing about President Obama associating with Al Sharpton, a much more virulent racist than David Duke (after all, I have never seen any allegations that David Duke stirred up violent protests which led to someone being killed , whereas Al Sharpton has no done it at least twice).

Comment Except of course the story was FALSE (Score 1, Informative) 420

Except of course that it turns out that Steve Scalise never spoke at the event sponsored by David Duke. Rather he spoke at an event held by a local civic association (or neighborhood group) at the same hotel where the David Duke group would later meet on the same day.

Comment Re:Spoofing! (Score 1) 199

Define this new economic structure and we can discuss its possible merits as well as its possible flaws. So far, every one of the "new economic structures" I have seen proposed are actually recycled versions of old economic structures which failed. Your ideas may be different, but until you tell us what they are, we cannot know.

My experience is that most of the problems with our current system are a result of things implemented in the name of "a new economic structure". Things which just made the problems they claimed to be designed to fix worse.

Comment Re:So, he is admitting that the attacks are true (Score 1) 786

I am saying, that except for John Kerry saying so, we have little evidence that it happened...and we know that the only basis John Kerry had for claiming it was hearsay from unreliable sources. John Kerry's sources were men who either never served in Vietnam, or served in a capacity where they would not have witnessed such behaviors, let alone been in a position to commit them.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 134

Well, yes, work is starting on building the capacity to pipe the oil to Vancouver because the Obama Administration has made it clear that they are not going to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. The opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline want the tar sands oil to stay in the ground. That is not going to happen. The only question is where does the oil go and how does it get there. Currently it is going to the Gulf Coast by rail. This is an economically and environmentally inefficient method of moving the oil. It would be better to transport the oil, both economically and environmentally, by pipe. The first choice would be to pipe the oil to the refineries it is currently being shipped to by rail, but if the US will not allow that, they are going to pipe it to Vancouver. Of course the thing many people overlook is that the Keystone XL would also be able to transport the oil being removed from the ground in the Dakotas (mostly North Dakota). It is probably not efficient to build a pipeline just for the North Dakota oil (I may be mistaken on that). If I am correct that means that that oil will continue to be shipped by rail, with the increased risks that come with shipping oil by rail as opposed to by pipeline.

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