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Comment Re:Don't sweep it under the rug as collateral dama (Score 5, Funny) 157

I know you made this statement sarcastically but since you've referenced a very important and relevant point in history I'll mention for our younger readers that this is a popular paraphrase of a statement made by one Arnold Amaury during what has become now known broadly as "The Spanish Inquisition" when asked how he proposed they'd weed the heretics out of Béziers; his response was "Kill them all, God will know his own."

The chilling parallels between The Inquisition and the current comparatively passive-aggressive war on freedom of information ought not be trivialized by satire.


Mapping a Monster Volcano 105

bmahersciwriter (2955569) writes In one of the biggest-ever seismology deployments at an active volcano, researchers are peppering Mount St Helens in Washington state with equipment to study the intricate system of chambers and pipes that fed the most devastating eruption in U.S. history. This month, they plan to set off 24 explosions — each equivalent to a magnitude-2 earthquake — around around the slumbering beast in an effort to map the its interior with unprecedented depth and clarity.

Comment Re:Wait until those lamers find out... (Score 1) 385

I think it would be wiser to spend the big money on improving solar panel and battery tech. Nuclear reactors are actually a BAD choice for funding currently due to the bureaucratic gridlock around adopting new (safer) reactor designs, which *do* exist. Dams are fine and all but they just don't actually generate enough electricity and we've dammed up all the good rivers already anyway. Now, Tidal generators on the other hand might be a better direction to move the same tech into, but the thing that Solar has over rivers and coastline is that everyone has a view of the sky.

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"It's my cookie file and if I come up with something that's lame and I like it, it goes in." -- karl (Karl Lehenbauer)
