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Comment Re:Yeah but (Score 2) 558

Ohh, how I wish it was something like 9 out of 10. Or better 99 out of a 100. Can you imagine how many women will be left "unattended"? Can you?

I never understood the hatred towards gay men. It means more women for the rest of us, you sillies! Now, lesbians are another matter entirely...yet heterosexual males looooove lesbians [or at least lesbian porn] but hate gays. So weird...

Comment Re:uhh (Score 1) 384

There is a speculation that I find compelling - men, being cheaper than women in evolutionary sense means that it is "safer" to experiment with men. Thus, you will find more men than women at the edges of virtually every distribution. As we know extreme ability in something usually comes with a cost [I have never heard about evolutionary solution that is completely "good" or "bad"] Therefore there are more genius level maths men, but also more morons men [the other end of the distribution].

It makes sense to me [again, I caution this is speculation, not fact or theory]

Comment Re:If you don't like it.... (Score 1) 431

Question: Since we can't cram omniscience into a kid's head, who decides what gets in the curriculum and what doesn't? Your opinion? Some dictator's opinion?

Answer: reality. And the only working, proven method to study reality is science.

See, that was easy.

Why reality? Because if you behave motivated by distorted or wrong view of reality, it turns and bites your head off. Also - it does not disappear if you don't believe in it. Tough luck, but there you go...

Comment Re:fukushima (Score 5, Insightful) 266

"The solution to pollution is dilution" - man, that was one big lie, wasn't it? It started dying with this [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minamata_Bay].

More than 15 years ago I was involved in such study and already at that time it was understood that the water might be safe for drinking but should you eat fish from it you are in trouble. The operative word here is "bio accumulation". I was working on a project commissioned by the [much smaller] EU at the time to readjust the safety levels of heavy metals in marine and river waters. We worked along the south-west coast of France and north-west cost of Spain. You know what's funny - because of the importance of our finds which would lead to legislation change we worked "under cover" .I am not kidding. A fishing boat was used with an analytical lab on board but we would always say on the radio we were fishermen. Even to the people that direct the traffic in harbors. We were told not to say to anyone what we research. I think the very fact that such measures were taken on a EU project no less, says something...something that is not nice.

However, your particular anger is not warranted in this case, IMO. The radioactive material form that disaster is truly insignificant compared to the heavy metal pollution from everything else. I am not saying that we should close our eyes and mouths of course...

Comment Re:what will it take for general acceptance (Score 1) 921

You may post this 1000 times [you do good work on this tread, I see] but it ain't gonna change anything. This technology will not fly....

Also, idiots are those who only know "it's the law, it's the law". The law, my friend is made by people, changed by people and abandoned by people.

An exercise for you - tell me how many serious politicians have stated loud and clear that "privacy is dead" or that "you have no reasonable expectation of privacy outside your home". You DO realize that such statements would mean political suicide in most countries in the world, right? It's the fucking corporations that are stating this all the time and their shills [with the silent support of governments, of course]. And you in particular are carrying water for them ATM, at the expense of the majority of the population. I hope you at least get paid for it...otherwise take that word "idiot" that you like so much and stick it to your forehead.

Submission + - Unlock Your Cell Phone? Forget First Use Doctrine, Go Directly to Jail (bloombergview.com)

retroworks writes: CTIA, the Wireless Cell Phone Association http://www.ctia.org/about-us, has members who want to extend copyright law beyond the first use doctrine. The LG vs. Quanta case was the third time patent infringement lost to "first use" or "right to repair" precedent in the USA. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/... Rather than continue to lose technology patent court cases against reuse or "market cannibalization" gray markets, CTIA wants to take this to Congress. Bloomberg reports on a bill to make it illegal to tinker with your cell phone and move it to another carrier.

Since the Supreme Court rulings on first use are based on precedent rather than law or constitutional rights to ownership (an 1860s cotton baling wire case), passing an explicit law to ban repair seems like a more direct approach to making patents and copyrights apply to the multi-billion-dollar secondary market.

Comment Re: Why would it be infeasable? (Score 1) 374

Both are true. I can ogle nature all day long and will not get bored. I can look at a leaf for hours.

However, if you can bring me just on the other side of the moon, no further, so I can see the starts without light pollution and atmosphere I think the first time I'll just freeze from awe....now that I live in the Netherlands where clouds and sky are the same thing and even if they weren't this country has one of the worst cases of light pollution I truly miss the night sky. Really, I am not exaggerating.

What about an "outside" view of a Galaxy [that we can see only in movies] or a glimpse towards the Galactic core. How about planets and moons. Rings, great spots, Io's volcanoes and so on and so on...? I'll cry my eyes out...

Comment Re:First blacks, (Score 1) 917

We don't want any "pillars", thank you. Which pillars exactly are you lamenting for?

The pillar of religion? Don't make me laugh....
The pillar of "free and independent" press. keep on laughing
The pillar of democracy with proper check and balances. staring to hyperventilate with so much laughter
The pillar of outdated believes, general ignorance that still battles with century old ideas [evolution]. collapsing on the floor laughing.
The pillar of peaceful coexistence, tit for tat, non-violent competition . Oh wait, THIS is not a pillar of our society...'nuf said.

When people lament the loss of "norms and values" what they lament is that they are not allowed to kill the ones that disagree with them. Bigots that want to reverse the clock and bring back all the magnificent social ideas of the past /sarcasm

Comment Re:First blacks, (Score 1) 917

I've always wanted to see real competition between social systems. The original idea of the US had the potential to do just this, but alas, it did not happen. The central government should have insured only free travel and commerce between the states, defense and perhaps a few critical infrastructures and that's it. Then let the people move to the state which has the system closest to their attitude.

In fact I'd extend this idea to the whole globe. Let's not have countries but regions that are run by different social systems. Let's see then where the interesting people will go, the creative people, the productive people. Let the bigots cluster and live the way the want it.

The problem is of course that people always fight with each other. It is not enough to live and let live. I know almost no person that fully subscribes under this principle. No, we have to remove, stamp on or kill the ones that do not agree with our way of life...so sad.

Comment Re:Are you a creepy guy who wants to video tape pp (Score 1) 421

I am betting that as soon as this tech kicks in the following will happen:

You will not be allowed to film [or use the recording, say in court] authorities of any kind [border control, police ect.]

You won't be allowed to use it in concert halls [buy buy conductor app], cinemas, theaters, pubs [be sure that many owners will forbid it to keep their clientele], churches, schools [creepy pedo], kindergartens [the same], at work [because you corporate secrets]

Therefore it's primary usefulness will be...wait for it....to collect even more personal data from the slaves while not endangering the masters in any way. Voluntarily! While arguing and fighting among ourselves about it. Brilliant!

I think Brin is having the laugh of his life. He must have heard that in communist states it was common to subscribe for a consumer product and wait for years to get it. But make the right ad campaign and western people will gladly surrender their dignity and line up to wait to give you money!!!. I am speechless...and some idiot above tried to say that there is some financial envy in those bashing the tech? Envy? I am pitying those fools...

Comment Re: Why? (Score 3, Interesting) 269

Is that so? I wonder what happens with a person if he/she grew with normal diet and was put on vegan? I am not sure this is entirely healthy...

The Dutch are the tallest nation on earth because they eat very protein rich stuff [diary products]. That was on the news not so long ago...and you know what - funny but taller people are more successful in life. It's probably due to cognitive bias, the same one that makes people forgive the trespasses of beautiful people more readily that those of ugly people. So there is something in us that values height and perhaps it is connected via something like [illustration only example] "tall person - has access to protein rich food - good mate".
Also funny that all vegetarians I know [not even vegans] are on average not very tall or wide and honestly will have a difficulty to compete with meat eaters if we were in the "kill or be killed" situation.

So, as the food supplies begin to dwindle [they will eventually as will everything in a finite system with infinite growing demand] we will see more and more propaganda to switch to "eco food" like insects, microorganisms ans so on. It totally amazes me when people nonchalantly say "well, if we want to feed the ever growing population we will have to switch the menu" and no no one says "why are we so stupid to continue our infinite growth".

So 3 billion meat eaters on earth or 6 billion vegetarians or 10 billion vegans or 20 billion fungi eaters [numbers purely for illustration] - why one is "better" than the other? The impact on the eco system would be the same. Actually more because those 20 billion might still want heating, clothing and mobile phones...
I think however, that one IS better than the rest - namely the largest number possible that gives everyone the richest and healthiest diet possible in a sustainable manner, according to who we are.

Who are we? We are omnivorous and without meat we won't be even here. I will not go into details, since my knowledge is not professional but I have heard many times that meat eating [also very important - fish eating] gave us the spare energy to grow the brains that made us human. Cooking the food was the next revolution. With more concentrated source of food you need less of digestive system so you can shrink it while expanding other parts of the body. I see in my mouth the cutters of the rabbit, the canines of the tiger and the molars of the cow. And I ain't going to argue with 4 billion years of evolution and will oppose those who not only fight it but do it for the wrong reasons.

In conclusion I would rephrase the OP. "Forcing or manipulating people or society to not be omnivorous [as we want, please, are entitled to and, if you are religious, were made to be] is dangerous, useless and often stupid and could be therefore be called unethical".

Comment Re:Not at all (Score 2) 236

Be sure. Few years ago Empire magazine ran a story "Triple Dutch" about Verhoven's Hollywood years. He was horrified by the book, did not finish it even, so it was a firm decision to make the movie a satire. I remember when I watched it first time I was rooting for the bugs. Only this movie and Avatar has had that effect on me. The uniforms were deliberately Nazi-like, the bathroom scene was intended to show that those soldiers are so brainwashed, so machine-like that they are not exhibiting even basic human traits such as being interested in the naked body of the opposite sex.

The whole interview was very interesting. First Verhoven gets shit from the Dutch film institute or some such because he made "too commercial movie" - meaning the most popular Dutch movie of all time - Turkish Delight. Revolted he goes to Hollywood. First movie is Robocop. The American critics hails the movie, pointing to the many layers in the story. Europeans do not get it that well. Then it's Total Recall. Originally he wanted to make something much closer to Dick's story but once Arnold joined Verhoven rewrote the whole thing to suit the big star. People on both sides of the pond like the movie.
And then he does troopers. To his absolute horror the Americans accuse him of being a Nazi and propagating their ideas [NYT article no less]. Deliberately or not all American critics decide to "misunderstand" the message. Europeans loved it though - there was not a single critic in Europe that did not get the message.

Fascinating story....

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