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Comment Re:War is Hell. (Score 2) 224

Tribesmen and various empires have been fighting over that area for centuries. If we left the place alone, it would be just as unstable.

The same could be said for every square inch of the earth yet we've managed to create very large and powerful countries. The oil wealth in the Middle East may be just the thing that one or two nations need to overcome the other factions and create a large stable influential nation rivaling the US, or China.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 3, Insightful) 220

not saying I trust republicans, either. I trust them even less. but my faith in democrats is at zero and so I'd prefer we scrub the whole R and D party system

You're lack of faith is disturbing. Now all we need is another Sandy Hook to get the Democrats attacking the 2nd amendment and Republicans attacking abortion and that'll scare you and everyone else back into a two party frenzy.

Comment Re: No (Score 1) 291

Most people don't need to write code at all. What are these simple scenarios that are awfully handy? I could see some business oriented folks maybe needing a little VBA or something...but most people will never write anything even if they were taught a language is school. And then, chances are the language they learned is now obsolete.

Comment Re:.NET applications on Linux? (Score 1) 253

I don't suppose you could provide a little help on how one actually utilizes HTML5 within a C# application. I've been looking for information on how this is done and found nothing. The best I came up with is a webpage loaded inside of a winforms browser control. But that's still using winforms. What am I missing?

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