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Web 2.0 Goes To Work 100

An anonymous reader writes "News.com is reporting on analyst predictions that Web 2.0 has begun meeting up with enterprise software in the business world." From the article: "Buttoned-down IBM, which mainly sells to businesses, on Wednesday detailed QEDwiki, for example. The project is meant to let people assemble Web applications using wikis, really simple syndication (RSS) and simple Web scripting. Similarly, the grassroots direct-marketing techniques of the consumer world are starting to be used to tout enterprise software, analysts said. The enterprise software market, once the hotbed of innovation, is starting to catch up to the consumer Web, where people are becoming used to melding data from their desktop with services online. It's a shift that could shake up the traditional enterprise-software model, experts predicted. "
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Web 2.0 Goes To Work

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  • Risk Managment (Score:4, Interesting)

    by RunFatBoy.net ( 960072 ) * on Friday April 28, 2006 @12:17PM (#15221703)
    The enterprise will always be behind for the simple fact that any new sort of technology assumes a certain amount of risk and that risk is most apparent when that technology is new.

    Even something as straight forward as a wiki will be seen as a risk. When wiki's were first being utilized, I'm sure every PHB out there was asking the statement, "There's no way we can trust our customers to provide documentation, at least not without some sort of oversight by us!"

    Jim http://www.runfatboy.net/ [runfatboy.net] -- Exercise for web 2.0.
  • Ugh (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Wellington Grey ( 942717 ) on Friday April 28, 2006 @12:18PM (#15221719) Homepage Journal
    For example, Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs and AJAX are starting to show their potential behind corporate firewalls, analysts said.

    Ugh. If you are going to use a buzz word, at least try to use in the right way [wikipedia.org]. I keep a blog [wellingtongrey.net] and there is nothing 2.0 (collaborative) about it.

  • by nuzak ( 959558 ) on Friday April 28, 2006 @12:29PM (#15221798) Journal
    > Can anybody tell me WTF Web 2.0 is (supposed to be)?

    Unabashed, unvarnished hype. Anything new-and-cool.

    I think XMLHttpRequest is pretty neat, I'm rather fond of AJAX, but Web 2.0 just makes my knee jerk so hard I want to turn it into a snap-kick at anyone plugging it.

    It's starry-eyed technology evangalists.

    It's the new bandwagon.

    It's social networking, and the new dot-com bubble. Myspace sold for 580 million, possibly it could pull that. Facebook thinks itself worth two billion. That's with a B. The tulipmania [wikipedia.org] hasn't gone so far as to find anyone insane enough to take that price though.

  • Re:Risk Managment (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Billosaur ( 927319 ) * <wgrother@nosPam.optonline.net> on Friday April 28, 2006 @12:31PM (#15221817) Journal

    From the article: However, Smith said that a lot of Web 2.0 software still has serious technical pitfalls, like security, which should worry corporate customers. "If I'm mixing AJAX and wiki technology, I'm really creating a hacker's paradise," Smith said.

    And that right there is the risk a lot of IT managers will not be willing to take, until these technologies can prove they are robust enough and secure enough to keep someone from gaining easy access to their systems. Companies spend vast amounts of time building defenses and aren't about to hand out the keys to the back door if they can help it.

  • web2.0 business apps (Score:3, Interesting)

    by steveb3210 ( 962811 ) on Friday April 28, 2006 @01:30PM (#15222243)
    I work at a small financial services company and we're currently replacing the in-house contact management system that was written in Access/VB. Our new replacemenet is in Ruby On Rails /w an interface that mimics that of a real operating system. Views all of edit tags taht spring up boxen that can be moved around like real windows, edit you data, hit save, ajax updates all the fields on the view page all your dialog box closes. To the users, its quick and mimcs the interface their used to while completely negating the problems of being tied to the office/VPN/db connections/ODBC connections, etc.

    This is the revolution.
  • by peter303 ( 12292 ) on Friday April 28, 2006 @02:58PM (#15222858)
    My impression of Web 2.0 is that no single web site has to engineer every one of its part, nor there must be a hardwired master-slave anymore. A travel site might get its presentation services from google-maps, its hotel list from Sabre, financial transactions from citibank, and so-on. There will be all these services sitting around- presentation, search, news, banking, streaming video, etc., etc. which can be easily glued with utilities like xml, AJAX, etc.
  • by scwizard ( 941758 ) on Friday April 28, 2006 @04:29PM (#15223562) Homepage Journal
    Has anyone looked at their error console after loading this site. Console2 for FF gave me 72 warning and errors for javascript + css (a lot of them were relating to it trying to change my cursor...)

That does not compute.
