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Best of GDC 2006 6

Gamasutra has their weekly industry response column up, and this one deals with the best moments at this year's Game Developer's Conference. From the article: "I found one session particularly inspiring. It was refreshing to hear the speaker talk about the inspirations behind his product. Most inspiring, though, was the way he talked about the ideological goals he specifically wanted to express with it, that he had something larger about the world he wanted to show through his entertainment. Unfortunately and unsurprisingly, that speaker had nothing to do with the game industry - it was Ron Moore at his Battlestar Galactica keynote. -Borut Pfeifer, Sony Online Entertainment"
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Best of GDC 2006

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  • by MBraynard ( 653724 ) on Tuesday April 18, 2006 @05:02PM (#15152658) Journal
    Seriously. Not news. All the orgasms over the Ron Moore speech have long since climaxed - like in the week of the conference or the week after, latest.
  • DNF (Score:2, Funny)

    by darthservo ( 942083 )
    "I found one session particularly inspiring. It was refreshing to hear the speaker talk about the inspirations behind his product. Most inspiring, though, was the way he talked about the ideological goals he specifically wanted to express with it, that he had something larger about the world he wanted to show through his entertainment."

    Well, we can eliminate George Broussard [slashdot.org].

  • "...particularly inspiring...refreshing...inspirations...product... inspiring...ideological goals...specifically...express..something larger...entertainment

    Gimme a minute to sift through this and translate to English, and maybe I can come up with a decent reply.
  • by Rob T Firefly ( 844560 ) on Wednesday April 19, 2006 @09:06AM (#15156221) Homepage Journal
    This article is like all those bland VH1 shows where C-list celebrities remember stuff. "I Love the 80s," "I Love the 70s," "I Love Ten Minutes Ago," etc. Only, the article lacks attempted observational humor and ironic hairstyles.

Credit ... is the only enduring testimonial to man's confidence in man. -- James Blish
