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Journal bluefairee's Journal: euh! 24

how is a fairee supposed to get points around here!? the front pages are sometimes interesting, but i gotta say, posting a comment after 300 or so have already been posted is a tad bit intimadating. besides, the likely hood that someone might have already said what i will say by then seems inevitable.

hmm. maybe not. anyone else seen other fairees roaming around here?

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  • First off you can appeal to the "circle" for mod points. This actually will get you to excellent karma within a month, as there is almost always someone with mod points only one removed from you.

    Two, you can game the karma system. There are various ways to do this. Currently posts mocking the slashbots are fairly popular. Being funny used to be a good way to get karma, but doesn't work anymore. Basically, get in first, or if you're late attach your comment as a reply to a comment higher on up the thre
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • hmmm. i'll have to work on the conservative bit. simpering i might be able to pull off;)

        feel free to blow me if i go too far right.

      • Actually, you are best off avoiding anything political at all, as some days the leftists have the mod points and others the conservatives have the mod points.

        A good example of good Karma whoring is Sir Haxalot's earlier posts. You can only get away with it for so long though, and then the community catches on. But by that point you have excellent karma and it really doesn't matter at all.

        For instance, I can post something only moderately intelligent with my +1 bonus, and it will generally get modded up
    • ok. two things. first, don't know what a "circle" is. second, i might need some tips/help when it come to the whole linux vs. ms thing. i'll probrably be ok with "simpering", but if i'm not this fairee may come knocking on your door.

      btw, thanks for the tips.

      • If you aren't comfortable BSing about technical things, then don't. Basically a lot of that aspect is coming up with some kind of BS reason for A being better than B and making it sound plausable. The majority of /. isn't near as good as they think they are, and people will argue both for and against your made up point. This works for everything. Just be confidant.

        The "circle" is what you are currently on the peripheral of(and I am as well because I'm not one of the more popular journalers). It's the
        • so that is where the whole FK that LG was rambling about came from. it took me a second, mind you only a second, to figure out the the intials stood for:)

          golly, i thought there were a lot more then that journaling.


          very interesting.

          well, with even just a few paying me any mind it's only a matter of time before i'm deep deep in the circles core...ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa...oops. bad fairee, very bad fairee.

        • i thought for sure there must be thousands of us keeping journals.

          think 'circle' as in 'social circle,' which is what you get in real life when you count friends and their friends. So of course that term's in use here!

          • There could easily be 2-3 distinct sets of journal that just haven't chanced into each other yet.

            I started reading them because they pop up in my messages now that I've been adding friends.

            If that's the most common way to start reading and participating in the journals, well, I can easily see distinct communities forming.

            I guess someone needs to get Taco to do some analysis.
  • Post interesting and/or insightful stuff. Failing that, post something funny. Don't make remarks on stuff that you are not clued up on - you'll get modded down as a result. Check your Preferences to enable eligibility for Moderating. If you get Mod points, use them to promote other peoples' comments. Metamoderate when you can.

    How long it takes to get karma depends on how often you participate on Slashdot.

    Good luck!

    • I agree with MonTemplar. Keep one thing in mind: Funny mods don't affect Karma anymore. So, don't try to be funny unless you want to: some dick-ass moderators think you're a Troll when you are actually trying to be funny.

      Very important: if you want to get Karma fast, try to be in the fist 50 posters at all costs. If you don't know the topic, abstain from posting! There is nothing more embarassing as getting modded Overrated/Troll/Flamebait because of your own ignorance.

      That is all.. oh, and Karma...

      • don't try to be funny unless you want to: some dick-ass moderators think you're a Troll when you are actually trying to be funny.

        You can say that again. This [] got modded as a troll just today.
  • Some of this is obvious karma-whoring, some is just good netiquette, some is in between. ;-)

    1) Bash Microsoft at every opportunity, though your logic must be reasonably plausible.

    2) Praise Linux without ripping on BSD and vice versa.

    3) Avoid politics, unless you have a fair shot at showing up a Slashbot babbling some obviously far-right or far-left mantra. (A Slashbot is the term for an idiot who mindlessly parrots opinions he/she has absorbed on Slashdot.)

    4) Show up Slashbots at every opportunity,

  • Go into the science section of slashdot. Pick a discussion that doesn't have too many comments. These are easy to find in non-front-page stories. Why science? Because i know the science section, that's why. You could pick an area that you know more about, but you can use science even if you don't know it.

    How? No, you're not gonna BS. Listen up.

    First, read all the comments. This will give you the fastest crash course you'll ever get. If there are only two comments, don't worry about it. Read 'em and move

    • Having a link, or even better, two, or even better, 3 in your post is a great technique- because unlike 90% of /. you are bringing mroe info to the table.

      Science is also good because anything not on the main page is usually sparsely traversed. AS such, its easier to get in early, and be seen with a rating of 1.

      On the front page, its SPEED SPEED SPEED, followed by something informative.

      Additionally, you can garner karma by submitting stories. I've done it, but its usually more work than its worth.

      Its s
      • The web is an incestuous place when it comes to content. You can easily scoop Slashdot by perusing (though they've slowed down lately...), ( very good for law suit related hijinx), and (of all places!), or even

        Slashdot gets a surprising amount of info from washingtonpost- 'specially the tech section (the one story I got submitted was from there).
        And slashdot is frequently days behind.

      • additionally- if you are trying to piggyback (tack on a witty/clever/informative response to something already marked +5) you would do well to change the subject line. You stand out more and have a higher chance of getting modded up. Its worked for me (though my intention was only to get my views shown, because everyone else on slashdot is a blithering idiot).
  • Don't Suck.

    As long as you don't suck someone will give you the K you need.

    Remember, no matter what they tell you K _is_ and extension of your personal worth as a human being!
  • anyone else seen other fairees roaming around here?

    Do pixiees count? (-:

    Only having a modest 'positive' karma and having relatively few postings under my belt, I have little to add. I guess it makes me kind of a naive dork to admit that I'm proud of my modded-up postings, 'cause I thought I actually contributed something... ah well, now I can mourn the loss of my /. innocence (-;



  • just talk to people in the journals. you'll make some friends. they're better than points. people often modify their friends so they get a bonus anyway.

"Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines." -- Bertrand Russell
