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Journal karniv0re's Journal: Scoring my 2016 Predictions 2

Ahh, my Slashdot Journal. The thing I come back to every few years to look at how old I've gotten. At this point, my journal is old enough to drive a car. Gonna have to pull out some special shit on June 20th, 2024, which will mark the 20th anniversary of my first Journal entry. That's crazy. But it is a new day. A new month. A new year. And we have a new president. If I could have looked forward in time in 2016, I would have looked straight for this post. We did it! We're alive! Our democracy is still in one piece! Held together by duct tape and bubble gum maybe, but it's still together!

So it's time to revisit my first post-2016 election journal, simply titled Fuck, which generated some of the stupidest commentary on a random Slashdot journal I could never have imagined. I don't write these for the public, you fuckwits. These are for me. But if you think spending your time commenting in random corners of the internet is what's best, who am I to stop you.

Anyway, let's get right into it.

I'm going to lay down my predictions (based not off of data but purely gut, so take it for what its worth) and we'll see how I do in a few years:

1. Trump doesn't finish his presidency. Either by way of stepping down or impeachment, he doesn't make it 4 years.
2. He doesn't build a wall, doesn't scrap Obamacare, doesn't appoint a special prosecutor to jail Hillary, doesn't ban all Muslims and doesn't deport all current illegal immigrants. Also doesn't rebuild a bunch of factories and coal mines either. Mostly because none of that is really feasible.
3. He will get much tougher on immigration and make life harder for people who have moved her or want to move here.
4. He will make some economic and trade decisions that won't be felt until after his (hopefully less than 4-year) presidency.
5. He will ease regulations on the energy industry that will cause irreparable damage to our planet. But he won't be around to see the effects, as Florida, Louisiana, California, and New York are slowly submerged underwater.
6. Already happening: Racism, xenophobia, and bigotry have been given the thumbs up by putting the supreme leader of all of that into the highest office in the land.

The rest is a mystery and I don't think even the GOP knows what he's going to do. It'll be a watch and wait game, and it's a shitty game.

So how did we do?

1. So close!!! So. Freaking. Close. Without a Republican base to shield and enable the orange cunt, he would have been gone last year. And they even gave a go at invoking the 25th Amendment. But again. Spineless coward fucks. I'm gonna give this one a B+. I was right in principle, but off on one variable.

2. There are multiple claims here, so let's go through them. First, the wall. I'm giving myself a B on that. His little pathetic expanse of the wall only covered about 40 miles, and it was mostly enhancements to existing sections of wall, or on federally owned land. Which is a travesty in and of itself, given the environmental impacts of this sad little move to appease a bunch of dimwit racist fucks, some of whom went on to demonstrate themselves that walls don't work by scaling the Capitol walls. He did not scrap Obamacare, and never had a plan to replace it. His "big beautiful plan" never existed. He was the vaporware president. That's an A+. Hillary isn't in jail, so that's an A+. Despite some of the terrible things that slithered out of the brain of Stephen Miller, not all Muslims were banned and he didn't deport all illegal immigrants. However, those little concentration camps he erected to separate families were pretty awful, so I'm giving myself a C on that one. The factories and coal mines part was dead on though, A+. So that's a B, A+, A+, C, and an A+. Averages out to an A-. Not bad.

3. That one was pretty vague, but it was also accurate. Giving myself a B for lack of specifics but also accuracy.

4. I guess we can't judge this one quite yet, but he made plenty of decisions that were felt DURING his administration. Namely around COVID, and the tax cuts for the wealthy. So I'd go A for the topic, but D for the timing, so we'll take a C+.

5. A+ on the substance matter here, as they were giving permits to drill in the Arctic right up to his last days. What a piece of shit.

6. This one is the Vince McMahon enlightenment meme in the bottom panel. Wow was that accurate. A-fucking-plus.

And I think I get bonus points for that last bit about the GOP not knowing what he was going to do, because you know most of them are probably relieved he's gone, but know they still have to appeal to his stupid-as-fuck base.

After tallying up the score, I get a solid A-. Not bad. And all you spineless Anoni-cunts who pejoratively called me an SJW or whatever thinking that somehow hurts my feelers can now slink back into your little holes for another four years and whine to your few friends on Facebook about how you're so persecuted as a straight white man. Enjoy your sad self-described victimhood.

And now I'm done. Maybe my next post will be something tech related. That'd be cool. Haven't really given a shit about technology, or coding, or math, or my job even for quite a while. I should use this moment to refocus myself. Maybe I'll do that. Just maybe. Cheers all, and thanks for reading my journal that I didn't write for you. Thank YOU, 2016 self, for hanging in there. We made it. Party time!

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Scoring my 2016 Predictions

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