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Journal Rick Schumann's Journal: The Poster-child For White Privilege 3

Using violent force to 'remove' peaceful protestors so our so-called 'president' can have a gods-be-damned photo op at a church is just another demonstration that Trump is the wrong person to have ever been elected in the first place, and furthermore is fueling the fire of the protests, as well as the root cause behind the protests: racism in America, leading to the unnecessary death of an elderly black man with a heart condition. Even the pastor of that church in D.C. was outraged by what Trump did, and rightly so. Donald Trump needs to resign, plain and simple. Likewise for the so-called 'top Republicans' who had the gall to defend his going to that church, and the unwarranted attack on the peaceful protestors there.

I am ashamed to be an American today, and outraged, and this motherfucking Trump creature is the reason why.
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The Poster-child For White Privilege

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  • The Church of every president since Madison was set on fire the night before. Any president would be on that spot at the exact same time.

    I know its hard to grow up and realize both parties are most honest players, both have a methodology that has been virtually static for 50 years. Your pissed off because Trump stole your sides linguistics of poltics and he is very effective with your sides platforms.

    Socialism always goes down in a ball of flames cast by the supporters of socialism is a truism
    • No that would not happen. Another president would have asked PERMISSION from the Church to use it. This one did not. instead he literally tear gassed the PASTOR of the church.

      This use of the chuch called trespassing.

Q: How many IBM CPU's does it take to execute a job? A: Four; three to hold it down, and one to rip its head off.
