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Comment Re:Get a hold of the situation BS. (Score 1) 143

Letting the waves wash it out to sea is honestly the best solution, the heavy elements in big particles settle out within a few miles and begin to corrode. If anyone can find a hotspot in 10 years I would be very surprised, salt water will eat most nuclear fuel rod material into a suspension and the pacific is a alot of water. Clean up would be like dreding offshore sand for gold. Releasing a few KG of 10 year old nuclear fuel into the ocean per day is nearly undetectable at 10 miles away. Water is the best shielding and corrosive to harmful collections for the rest of environment. Two tons per year for a couple hundred years or until the greens finally admit dumping it in salt cave for 200 years is good enough.

Comment Re:Charging, Obviously (Score 2) 430

If every charger and charge was on the government dime for the next 30 years adoption would be much quicker. Government is attempting to force a market without spending enough money. It has to be government cheese cheap in operation. The complaint seems to be poor people are not adopting fast enough, go out there and give some cars away.

Comment Re:Walkable Neighborhoods. (Score 0) 430

How much energy does it take to rebuild America into select parts of Europe, where land is so expensive nobody but the old guard who already has it can expand outside of urban utopias , is it greater than the minor share spent on personal transportation fuels? I am tired of this conversation, and unless you have done the entire lengths of I-70, I-80 and I-90 you have zero idea of what the needs are of the middle American....250 miles in a -10C snowstorm with 3 minute refueling, not because we are in hurry, we do not want frostbite crossing the plains. Light to heavy hybrids work well for most people, but the US auto companies do not make any profit from the hybrid part. Make the government pay for it is the green mantra, get on that.

Comment Re:Gov lies (Score 1) 106

Tell me again how price control works without killing the manufacturing base. The goverement could tell McDonalds to sell half pound burgers for a buck, but the actual franchise holders who do have to pay for beef patties are going to lock the doors and walk away rather than play a game that ends in debt. Give me a McBugBurger and hold the crickets.

Comment Re:Rates don't need cutting (Score 1) 106

The housing market has all but stopped for the average first time home borrower. The houses the US needs simply are not being built for the lack of profit margins at that level. While there is quite a bit of investors still doing the flips and treating houses as tax sheltered tokens of wealth building, there are no 30-50 year old 250k houses to be bought in most markets because they are all tied to people with much love for barrowing costs under that of inflation and much lower than renting.

With lower rates first time home barrower's will be approved for a slightly better class of real estate at 400k, but will land themselves in a expense region where they will have tread water until rates drop below 4% again. In the past 15 years no borrower has been more than 4 years away from a 4% rate, a tremendous number of people used a once in lifetime opportunity to buy US real estate at a low monthly cost. If you bought before 2015, your bigger concerns are taxes and insurance than paying off the last 5 to 20 years of your loan.

Comment Re:Criticism is justified (Score 1) 107

Simply it is not considered safe to have the TVs and video billboards on the Business LAN. At my last enterprise, an entire 30 story tower full of TVs and Videoconf get their own wireless networks on the guest wireless APs, and there was a passive optical taps going to deep packet to see what they are doing outside of the TLS envelope with the same toolsets we monitor everything else with. There was always some TV store app phoning home to a russia or china IP. They also each got a actual TV antenna to get the news strait off the locals if everything else was broken, I took that from Sept 11 2001, always have at least 3 ways to get news telling you to bug out part of a city. If I could of I would have put the TVs and Billboards on their own UPS but they did not ask early enough in construction.

Even though we had our own diverse fiber paths to the most connected place in chicago, We bought the cheapest of internet bandwidth from the local cable provider quite honestly to prove to some management that a cable modem on business class service plan had more uptime than two vendors of DIA circits with high priced scrubbing providers in some Zip codes. The only real concern with TVs is that there is a microphone embedded in them with their updating app manager being compromised. We had meeting rooms with only polycom as opposed to a mix for the lawyers to go into to discuss lawyer things. Under the theory that if something slipped from the more secure rooms, there was only a more traditional vendor to choke (other than the cell phones laying about).

And if someone is in the building on a sunday and has cranked up Bloomberg TV app, the M and A is happening......only pencil necks watch that bullshit. We spent millions securing the C suite actual locations, and their kids publish their ski villa photos with dear old dad while they still are on the slopes.

Comment Re:closed loop system? (Score 1) 98

Laws of Thermodynamics.... the purpose of the water is to use the enthalpy of vaporization to take the waste heat of data center and send it safely into the rest of the universe so cryptominining has a work effort to bill against. The 3K above absolute zero radiative sink of space cools the atmosphere constantly, and the water rains back into the ocean (mostly because of winds out of the west). The only long term effect is the impact on the heat death of the universe is one billionth of a billionth of second faster.

Have you been to DC, nobody turns off a fucking light switch.

Comment Re:Several Questions (not a data center guy) (Score 1) 98

Water Rich like Virgina USA. This is a nothing burger because once the rivers hit the Chesapeake bay tidal zone they are salt water and useless to all but fish farms. If the rivers above the navigable water slow to a trickle it is effective water management in the sense that is acceptable to California.

Comment Re: This (Score 1) 303

Chinese doctors also time travel, you seem to know nothing say Chinas state media. I am under the theory of political Occam's Razor , the people who went the most insulative and silent first in the fastest manner knew the most. China is the source of the Virus, the orgs in the west who sent the WuHan lab went apeshit in controlling the narrative in the west. If it was not WuHan lab they would be letting documentary film makers from the BBC play with the bats in April of 2020.

Comment Re:Wrong reasons (Score 1) 221

Even without an app, there is a whole marketplace of technologies to identify a shopper by their cell phone noise or the RFIDthe in the first product they picked up. Wireless, Bluetooth and 5G all identify a unique hardware address that can be linked to individual and a shopper profile much more complex than a credit rating and income class. Extending what happens at all the online retailers down to the brick and mortar is a 50 billion dollar industry worldwide. Selling the fat kid with dollars in his pockets icecream on a hot day is the way the retail universe works, 65% of the sales can just break even in a walmart model, but nail the rest to a good margin and you are a retail king. It has been said the stuff near the register pays for the 80% in the back to be sold at near cost. 24/7/365 Fast food is around for the lunchtime rush where all the economies of scale have record margins, not to sell half a dozen meals from 4am-5am to the 3 people splitting cleaning, restocking and taking a few orders.

Comment The memorizers win mathbowls (Score 3, Interesting) 28

If you can remember 2000 different easy solutions to the kind of problems on math bowl like some kids remember how to spell 40,000 words you have a fractionaly better chance at winning math bowl and that is all it takes to excel. I have tutored a ton of math bowl type students, they fall apart in Electromagnetic Theory and Mechanics because the scalar results mean nothing to them, they can draw a graph for their ansewer but they seem incapable of matching one known problem to a new situation. Yes a ton of them are asians, and it hardest to unfix their brains. Chart how much latteral force a 5 bolt pattern wheel stud during a 1 G stop, could be 6oz or 26 million pounds even if you laid on them the factors for cold rolled bolt steel. If they can set up the problem they can solve the algebra, calculus, DiffEq or linear math better than a working in industry physics PHD, but they have no idea what the scale is of 1J/second or that weight on a cable is jumping towards polar coordinates for a reason.

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