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User Journal

Journal Timex's Journal: It's ALIVE! 1

I finally gathered the nerve to try to boot up my Apple IIgs for the first time in about 12 years.

A few of the connectors on the system are corroded, but not horribly so. This is not really surprising, as it has spent a large part of the last 12 years in a musty cellar.

The only part missing right now is the keyboard itself. It got misplaced during a move, but I'm pretty sure where it is. (I've actually got its location narrowed down to two or three places.)

At any rate, I booted it up and it came up just fine. The OS is System 6.0.1 and boots off an internal hard drive I installed years ago.

The thing that impressed me the most? The system clock was actually about 40 minutes FAST. Other than that, it kept pretty good time, if you ask me.

I'm likely going to take some time tomorrow and find that keyboard. I wanna play with this again! :)

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  • Oh, for the good old days. BTW: I'm calling it quits on slashdot. There's no returning it to the good old days. The hate many have against all women, and the constant attacks for being what I am, are just not worth it. I don't need 50 "reminders" a day that supposedly I'm a psycho mutilated guy. See my journal entry in a few minutes. I'll still check my email, but most of the rest of the web has passed what I'm willing to stomach. Take care and enjoy your blast from the past.

"When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest." -- Bullwinkle Moose
