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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: Quickest my submission has been passed over yet... 5

At 11:07 this morning I submitted Lenovo CEO Gives $3M Bonus To Employees . Like everything I submit, it was not accepted.

Two and a half hours later, the infinitely more awesome ndogg submitted the same thing and it became slashdot front page material .

The surprise here isn't that someone else submitted it, but rather that it was accepted at all after I had submitted it earlier. This particular example, though is more impressive in that it took only 2.5 hours to go from my submission being not accepted to someone else's being accepted. Usually it is closer to a day and a half.
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Quickest my submission has been passed over yet...

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  • Something else for the little bitch damn_registrars to piss and moan about.

    Consider the silver lining, Squeak: Since your poorly written story (complete with a weak troll attempt) didn't get posted, you couldn't comment on it. And since you couldn't comment on it, you couldn't be an asshole in your comments. And since you couldn't be an asshole in your comments, you couldn't be modded down. And since you couldn't be modded down, you couldn't write yet another long ass whiny bitchfest about getting modded
  • I've submitted quite a few that were rejected, only to have the same story someone else submitted accepted. But then, I've had stories accepted as well.

    • Now, I'm not trying to suggest that my submissions are rejected just because I submit them. However, it has been a very, very, very, long time since I last had a submission accepted. This particular case was unique in how little time passed between when I submitted it (and it was rejected) and the next person came along submitting the same story and had it accepted.

      My acceptance rate (as seen at []) is currently showing 13.89%. However my submission of th

I have never seen anything fill up a vacuum so fast and still suck. -- Rob Pike, on X.
