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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: Bullies 11

I know that when a bully threatens you - even if the bully is an idiot - you are best not to respond and egg them on. But sometimes it's more rewarding to ignore that advice.
This discussion was created by damn_registrars (1103043) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • Because if so, perhaps you should look in the mirror and find out who is really a bully.

    Let's face it - the obsessive compulsive stalking and harassment you've done to people around here constitutes cyber-bullying. You're easily the worst offender. Multiple AC trolls, multiple sock puppet accounts...

    a bully threatens you

    I'm not threatening you. I'm promising you that I'm going to keep pointing out your horrible on-line behavior. The way you treat people you don't agree with on this site is deplorabl
    • a bully threatens you

      I'm not threatening you.

      Did I say it was about you? No, I didn't. You have assumed it to be about you. Go back and read it again. I never said it was about you, or even about me. If you were actually red4man you would have been smart enough to realize that.

      • So it's not about you. OK. So you're as "Meta" as a teenage girl on facebook. Congrats.
        • You are free to make whatever assumptions you want. I can't stop you from repeatedly being wrong so there is no point in even telling you any more.
          • no point in even telling you any more.

            Except we both know that you will, since you're apparently a slave to your OCD.
            • Now you're just babbling for the sake of babbling? Tell me, how does your foot taste? You did a great job of stuffing it straight in your own mouth...
              • You down with OCD? (Yeah you know me) You down with OCD?

                We going to break slashcode? Last time I pointed out your obsessive compulsion of getting the "last word" we went around something like 90 comments deep.

                Do you really want to do that again? I don't think the squirrel that powers slashdot's server will like that very much...
                • Last time I pointed out your obsessive compulsion of getting the "last word" we went around something like 90 comments deep.

                  Lying and exaggeration. If you had gone to only exaggeration, that may have been an improvement. However since you are a pathological liar, that would likely be too much to ask.

                  • 94 comments, pigfucker.

                    Link to proof. []
                    • Unsurprisingly you are wrong in more ways than one.
                      • There were at least 6 AC comments, hence the discussion between logical_failure and myself was at most 88 comments
                      • The last comment came from him, not me. Hence your nonsense of my trying to get the last comment is just ... nonsense.

                      At this point I should take the advice of those ACs, and just ignore you. It is rather clear that you will not stop lying so countering with the truth is not a worthwhile exercise.

All laws are simulations of reality. -- John C. Lilly
