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Social Networks

Journal damn_registrars's Journal: Social Media Explained

This was sent to me as an image, here it is as text (I don't know who the original author is):
  • Twitter: I'm eating a #Donut
  • Facebook: I like Donuts
  • Foursquare: This is where I eat donuts
  • Instagram: Here's a vintage photo of my donut
  • Youtube: Here I am eating a donut
  • LinkedIn: My skills include donut eating
  • Pinterest: Here's a donut recipe
  • Now listening to "donuts"
  • Google+: I'm a google employee who eats donuts

I think they should have added:

  • Slashdot: Ron Paul told me to eat your donut

Except that, of course, nobody reads slashdot any more.

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Social Media Explained

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