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Journal tqft's Journal: [work] It's on like Donkey Kong 2

Multi-billion dollar project - check
Work actually underway on project with customers signed - check
Finally recruiting for roles I am suitable for - check

Of the three big projects going on - this is really the first to advertise for roles I am suitable for and I want. Want so bad I can taste it. Long term interesting work with a myriad of opportunities to follow in the years ahead.

Big money, big ideas, huge customers, very specific skills and abilities required. Make or break time for me.

I am not surprised it has taken this long, back in 2007 when I left a previous job I thought it would be about 2012 when these jobs were advertised. It looks like they are advertising for a team - not unexpected - and will juggle the applicant pool to get the team they want. This is a good sign for me as I am quite adaptable.

First of the applications in.

Still think I may need some help getting across to an interview but I really only have a cannon to use and I don't want to waste the ammunition.

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[work] It's on like Donkey Kong

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