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Journal Qzukk's Journal: US Credit Rating Cut 2

Thanks to the AAA toxic mortgage bullshit, we already know the credit rating agencies give out whatever ratings they are paid to give, so all three of you who are left can place your bets here on who is paying S&P for an AA+ rating.

So I herd u liek extra lines

So I herd u liek extra lines

So I herd u liek extra lines

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US Credit Rating Cut

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  • Republicans can point to the spiraling debt; Democrats can point to Tea party-driven Republican brinkmanship over raising the debt ceiling. I suspect the real answer lies in cui bono -- who is in a position to make money from the downgrade? Also, I wonder if we're about to see some criminal indictments "coincidentally" handed down or at least a nasty, intrusive investigation of S&P related to their high ratings on the mortgage-backed paper. Sure, it'd be a transparent case of retaliation, but it would t
  • ...who's been paying the credit rating agencies to keep America's artificially propped up, in the face of our toxic debt and spending and entitlement bullshit.

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