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Journal johnwerneken's Journal: windows web page sticky notes: Question! 1

I wonder if there is such a thing as web page sticky notes for Windows. I have 17 windows going for various worlds of this MMPORPG game I play. I'd like to be able to post a "sticky note" of my plans, that would be called when I am on that same server again under that same identity. Don't know if this is possible or if it has been done. If 'yes' to either I'd like to know! (Don't know of any place else to ask where the folks would know the answer, and might tell me!)

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windows web page sticky notes: Question!

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  • Not sure if the FF extensions get to "save" data anywhere though. They must have some configuration space you could probably use. Even then, if you've got multiple logins, how is FF supposed to know what user you are at any given time? These days all it gets is a SESSIONID token.

You see but you do not observe. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, in "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes"
