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Journal Khyber's Journal: Problems with customers 1

Customers are coming to me, understandably quite disappointed in prior purchases of equipment.

I've been noticing a very disturbing trend recently as more and more come to me - it seems advertisers are selling panels saying "1200watt panel, uses only 540 watts!" and these people are expecting 1200w of LED performance.

This isn't good for them, nor is it good for me. I'd love to help them out but I'm not entirely sure how. The best advice I can give so far is to tell them to return it if within the return period, or else try to resell the panel to recoup their losses.

How else am I to help them? I don't want to say 'lawyer up' though I have the feeling that's going to have to be their next step for a resolution to this dishonest advertising.

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Problems with customers

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  • Step 1: Start a trade group.
    Step 2: Agree on terms.
    Step 3. Use remainder of time to discuss price fixing with your new friends.
    Step 4: Profit!

Retirement means that when someone says "Have a nice day", you actually have a shot at it.
