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Journal timothy's Journal: Misc: Ubuntu 10.4 -- seems to be working well. 2

Yesterday I upgraded from Ubuntu 9.10 to the latest build of 10.4 on my four-years-ancient Toshiba laptop (will turn five this year).

The upgrade took a while (I started the download the previous night), but was otherwise relatively painless, using the built-in update manager.

Bootup isn't 10, or 15, or 20 seconds for me -- I counted to 61 Mississippi, with a pause in counting to enter my password, until I had a working Gnome desktop. (Not sure what the startup was under 9.10; this seems snappier, though. Maybe expectation bias.) I look forward to trying it out w/ newer hardware, though!

I think the small, subtle envelope icon in the task bar is a nice touch -- it's got various communication options there (though I'd like to cull the Evolution one from it, since I don't use Evolution, but I don't know how to do that culling). Empathy finally works for me, too, which is good -- though I like Gajim, I'd like to have my IM stuff more consolidated.

So, this drive may go ahead and finish the dying that I thought had happened weeks ago (ha ha, I've backed up this time, you foolish drive), but maybe it'll keep alive for a while now. Will be a good preview of the real 10.4, too -- hopefully no major bug bites ...

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Ubuntu 10.4 -- seems to be working well.

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