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Input Devices

Journal timothy's Journal: Some complaints! 2

A few unsorted complaints:

- Bookshelves should have backs! Bookshelves without backs are weaker, and complicate placement -- they basically must be against a wall, unless you don't care that books (or whatever else gets placed on bookshelves) at least sometimes will fall out the back. (Best workaround: put a back on!)

- The sort of pens I like to write with (roller balls, usually) don't do well on airplanes. I'd like a pen that has good writing feel, but that I can use on a plane. Most of my pens become a danger during (or subsequent to) any flight, because of the pressure. (Best workaround, but one I don't like nearly as well -- pencil.)

- Computerish devices (incl. phones) with cameras should either let that camera rotate, or have one that faces the back of the device as well as the front. Who cares about front-facing cameras? If I'm on the phone with you, I probably either already know or don't care what you look like, and don't necessarily care for you looking at my face while we're talking. But I might want to show you the burning building I'm calling to report, or the house I'm inquiring about, etc. (Best workaround: hire better designers.)

This discussion was created by timothy (36799) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Some complaints!

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  • Bookshelves without backs are a PITA.

    As to pens, I haven't flown in twenty years, but IIRC they developed a pen for astronauts, I wonder of these are commercially available? I doubt that spacecraft are as pressurized as a commercial airliner, they should work well in one.

    A phone with a camera shold face both ways. I've been waiting for picture phones since the movie 2001, why don't we have them yet?

    • by timothy ( 36799 ) * Works for Slashdot

      The Fischer Space Pen ... sort of neat (pressurized, a cool shape), but I don't actually like the way it writes. Too much like a cheap ballpoint. I like ink that flows slightly better, and this may mean my quest will always be fruitless.

If it wasn't for Newton, we wouldn't have to eat bruised apples.
