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Journal timothy's Journal: Apple Airport Express: How will I love thee? 2

For reasons of household network harmony, I am in the market for an Apple Airport Express.

Haven't bought it yet (a few Craigslist leads, though -- if none pan out, Amazon is slightly cheaper than Apple), but here are some thoughts based on what little I know:

- Would have been handy in Vegas, where in-room internet was very expensive. I forgot to bring along my tiny WiFlyer, which is too bad. MyFi coverage in Vegas during CES was very poor.

- I like the size -- for all it does, looks very packable even on plane trips :) But for that, I'd want to be confident that I could admin the thing without *needing* an OS X or Windows box around. (For just such things as sharing expensive in-room internet via cable.)

- If I can successfully follow the online guides to getting music to stream via Amarok or other Linux sofware, that would be cool.

- Smart to have the swappable plug-block, I really like that.

- I don't care all that much for or esp. about OS X (I sometimes use it, and like some aspects, dislike others); I am hopeful that the Linux-friendly admin software I've seen will work well for it.

- I wonder if the USB port has any use besides for printing. Not that wireless printing is a bad thing for it provide, but it I wish the A. Express could serve as a micro, instant server, by plugging in a USB stick, as is true of some linksys (perhaps I'm thinking of Netgear, or both) routers.

- Can it be used for wireless bridging? (Hmm. Yes, says the Apple site, but only for extending networks that are based on other Apple basestations ... so, I can't use it to create a zone of multi-device WiFi love at Motel 6 or Starbucks, too bad.)

- One nice thing (though not esp. compatible w my general unenthusiastic view of OS X*) is that the people who make Make magazine are enamored of Apple's wireless stuff, and often post about interesting hacks involving it.

- The user reviews on the Apple site and at Amazon are the usual polarized "Awesome!" vs. "Sucks!" ... given my relationship to computer documentation, I have my fingers crossed.

- I wish it had an antenna port for greater range. (Seems like an easy win, to me ... oh, well. I think the same about laptops with built-in Wifi.)

What else should I be thinking of and know about? It looks like a nifty device that will at least improve my network connectivity (tall house, and Yes, based on an Apple wireless infrastructure) at home, and I hope will be useful for me while traveling (with a Linux machine) as well.


* OS X is what it is, and I am not enough of a power user to complain except wrt my own purposes, prejudices, and preferences. If you like it, great, and enjoy!

This discussion was created by timothy (36799) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Apple Airport Express: How will I love thee?

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  • FYI, I've had two, and they both died what appeared to be heat-related deaths. The second one I made sure was in a completely unobstructed area, nowhere near any heating ducts, etc. So, just something to keep in mind.

    • by timothy ( 36799 ) * Works for Slashdot

      Many of the negative reviews complained about a short lifespan. Maybe (I console myself) this is something that will have been at least incrementally improved over the course of the lifespan of the product line / production run ...

Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.
